Visit Kypros-Net a new WEB source on Cyprus
- C.T.O. = Cyprus Tourism Organisation.
- Driving Is on the left side of the road.
- Between 1300-1600 hrs is siesta-time in summer. (May-Sept.)
- The International Airports are at Larnaka and Pafos.
- Centrally located banks offer special afternoon facilities for tourists.
- The Cyprus pound is divided into 100 cents.
- Voltage: 240V A C throughout the island, Sockets outlets and sockets
of flat 3 pin type are used.
- The population of Cyprus is approximately 706.000.
- A small tip in restaurants taxis etc is always welcome.
- The typical take away is "souvlaki stin pitta"-kebab in a special
envelope - type.
- Nearly all drug and medicines are availabie on the island.
- "Lefkaritika" is the local embroidery.
- It is forbidden to remove antiquities from the bottom of the sea.
- In Cyprus there are 127 endemic flower varieties, that is growing
nowhere else in the world but in Cyprus.
- The Tourist Information office at Larnaka Airport provides 24hrs
service 365 days.
- Cyprus is a member of the Commonwealth.
- "Commandaria" is the local sweet fortified.
- The transurban service-taxis are shared taxis connecting all main
towns (only during day time)
- Hallourmi: Is the local cheese. It can be served plain or grilled.
- No vaccination is required for any International traveller.
- All the publications (maps, leaflets etc) provided by CTO are
distributed free of charge.
- The Supermarket basket in Cyprus is considered among the cheapest in
- The shops are closed on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.
- Dhekelia (east of Larnaca) and Akrotiri-Episkopi (west of Limassol) are
the two British bases in Cyprus.
- Avoid shorts and wear suitable clothing when you are visiting
churches and Monasteries.
- More than 30 airlines connect Cyprus directly with most European and
Middle East Countries.
- The town of Pafos is included in the official Unesco list of Cultural
- If you drive a car in Cyprus do not hesitate to use the "horn" if
required, (not during night time).
- The tap water is drinkable.
- The average day temperature in summer is 32 C and In winter 16 C.
- Cyprus automatic telephone dialling system reaches over 184 countries.
- Easter is the main religious feast in Cyprus.
- A Greek Drama in an ancient theater is a memorable experience.
- 30 minutes after sunset darkness has fallen.
- The average sea temperature in April is 18.6 C and in October 25 C.
- "Koulouri" is the typical sesame bread, excellent with green olives.
- Do not forget your sunglasses while in Cyprus. They are indispensable
due to the intense brightness of our sunshine.
- The Cypriots wear summer clothes (short sleeves and sandals) from May
till October.
- There are two Marinas in Cyprus, one in Larnaka and one in Limassol.
- Accommodation with local families does not exist in Cyprus.
- Due to the mild winters Northern European athletes and football teams
use Cyprus as their training ground.
- The most important Museums of the island are in Nicosia.
- On Sundays petrol stations are open on a rotation basis. Most petrol
stations provide twenty-four hours service either by attendance service
or by pay-terminals.
- Citizens from most of the European countries, U S A, Canada,
Australia, Japan etc can enter Cyprus with a valid passport
and do not require a visa.
- Cyprus occupies one of the highest places internationally in terms of
third level students.
- There is no limit on bringing in cheques, travellers cheques and other
negotiable documents.
- Amount of foreign exchange in excess of the equivalent of US 1000
dollars should be declared at the customs.
- Flying time: From London is 5 hours, from Frankfurt 4 hrs, from
Bahrain 2 hrs 35 minutes, from Stockhuolm 4 1/2 hours.
- Parakalo means: please.
- Kalimera means: goodmorning.
- Metrios: is the local coffee with sugar.
- Efharisto: means thank you.
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Panayiotis Zaphiris (pzaphi01@tufts.edu),