Historical Data







Imports c.i.f

Exports f.o.b. Crude Trade Balance Ratio of Exports to Imports (%) Ratio of Exports to GNP (%)
  Total Home Consump- tion Domestic (1) Foreign (2) Total      
1960 37,075 38,538 16,743 2,489 19,232 -17.843 51.9 20.4
1961 38,332 40,056 15,786 1,994 17,780 -20.552 46.4 17.1
1962 44,953 45,045 18,223 2,574 20,797 -24.156 46.3 17.9
1963 47,141 47,015 19,432 2,470 21,902 -25.239 46.5 18.0
1964 37,616 37,324 17,951 2,598 20,549 -17.067 54.6 18.3
1965 51,407 51,100 23,149 2,139 25,288 -26.119 49.2 17.9
1966 55,368 55,022 27,184 2,054 29,238 -26.130 52.8 19.0
1967 59,712 59,381 27,100 2,597 29,697 -30.015 49.7 17.1
1968 70,944 70,401 34,093 2,866 36,959 -33.985 52.1 19.7
1969 86,462 83,183 36,752 4,151 40,903 -45.559 47.3 18.8
1970 98,229 97,634 39,995 5,194 45,189 -53.040 46.0 19.3
1971 106,869 106,577 42,065 5,214 47,279 -59.590 44.2 17.5
1972 121,480 118,683 44,685 6,620 51,305 -70.175 42.2 16.8
1973 157,442 154,457 51,351 9,123 60,474 -96.968 38.4 17.7
1974 148,028 143,630 46,848 8,439 55,287 -92.741 37.3 17.5
1975 113,709 111,939 49,033 6,979 56,012 -57.697 49.3 20.7
1976 177,763 165,574 85,698 20,634 106,332 -71.431 59.8 30.6
1977 254,008 238,012 111,203 18,548 129,751 -124.257 51.1 29.4
1978 282,686 264,356 106,376 21,994 128,370 -154.316 45.4 24.4
1979 357,603 332,721 135,140 26,731 161,871 -195.732 45.3 24.8
1980 424,292 392,066 157,027 31,009 188,036 -236.256 44.3 23.9
1981 489,536 465,178 200,580 34,193 234,773 -254.763 48.0 26.0
1982 577,551 528,291 204,900 58,909 263,809 -313.742 45.7 25.0
1983 641,962 567,646 189,020 71,505 260,525 -381.437 40.6 22.5
1984 796,520 701,760 244,305 92,520 336,826 -459.694 42.3 24.7
1985 762,311 675,074 210,710 79,901 290,611 -471.701 38.1 19.3
1986 663,073 585,161 181,087 79,071 260,158 -402.915 39.7 16.0
1987 760,619 677,549 225,953 72,039 297,992 -462.627 45.0 16.5
1988 924,265 809,431 235,732 95,129 330,861 -593.404 35.8 16.3
1989 1,192,898 1,023,658 246,854 146,195 393,049 -799.849 32.9 17.1
1990 1,278,538 1,084,475 262,691 172,908 435,599 -842.939 34.1 16.8
1991 1,321,127 1,119,101 248,364 193,427 441,789 -879.338 33.4 16.3
1992 1,653,355 1,390,669 220,463 222,582 443,045 -1.210.310 26.8 14.1
1993 1,316,078 1,121,984 206,599 224,864 431,462 -884.617 32.8 13.1
1994 1,482,222 1,211,098 219,477 256,501 475,978 -1.006.244 32.1 13.1
1995 1,670,408 1,342,107 238,675 316,932 555,607 -1,114,801 33.3 13.9
1996 1,857,509 1,465,155 228,451 420,575 649,027 -1,208,482 34.9 15.7
1997 1,899,339 1,482,474 219,754 420,260 640,015 -1,259,324 33.7 13.1
1998 1,904,738 1,580,433 221,337 329,797 551,134 -1,353,601 28.9 11.7
1999 1,970,905 1,629,564 215,212 327,707 542,919 -1,427,986 27.5 10.8
2000 2,401,926 1,968,666 240,102 351,102 591,864 -1,810,062 24.6 10.7
2001 2,528,720 2,176,824 246,990 381,039 628,029 -1,900,691 24.8 10.6
 (1) Including Stores and Provisions of domestic produce.
 (2) Including Stores and provisions of foreign produce.
 Note: As from 1986 figures for imports have been revised to include military equipment.
(Last Updated 20/05/2002)


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