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Statistical Abstract, 1999

The Statistical Service announces the publication of the 45th issue of the "Statistical Abstract" for the year 1999.

The Abstract is issued annually and provides comparable statistical data since 1960 for the following chapters:


  1. Physiography, history and economy
  2. Climate and weather
  3. Population and vital statistics
  4. Tourism, migration and travel
  5. Education
  6. Culture
  7. Health
  8. Justice and crime
  9. Labour
  10. Social insurance and welfare
  11. National accounts
  12. Input, output tables
  13. Prices
  14. Public finance
  15. Money, banking, insurance and registration of companies
  16. Transport storage and communication
  17. Agriculture, forestry and fishing
  18. Mining, quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas and water
  19. Construction and housing
  20. Services and distributive trade
  21. Research and development
  22. Energy
  23. External trade
  24. Balance of payments
  25. International statistics

The Abstract is available at the Government Printing Office at the price of C£15.00 per copy.

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