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Consumer Price Index for the Month of June, 1998

The Department of Statistics and Research announces that the Consumer Price Index for June 1998 increased by 0,52 units or 0,42 per cent to 123,19 units compared to 122,67 in the previous month. This is mainly due to increases in the prices of certain fresh fruit, certain clothing items and medical care.

2. The average rate of increase of the Index for the period January-June 1998 compared to the corresponding period of the previous year was 2,30% while the Index of June 1998 compared to the Index of June 1997 showed an increase of 3,04%.

3. The average rate of increase of the Index for the last twelve months (i.e. July 1997 - June 1998) compared to the preceding twelve months (i.e. July 1996 - June 1997) was 3,06%.

4. The six-monthly average rate of increase of the Index during the period January-June 1998 was 0,16% and reached 121,66 units compared to 121,46 in the preceding six months. The cost of living allowance increases as from 1st July 1998 and for the next six months to 197,24% on basic salaries compared to 196,77% in the preceding six months with the respective minimum of such allowance.

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