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Statistics of Education, 1999/2000

1. The Statistical Service announces that it has published the annual report «Statistics of Education» for the school-year 1999/2000. The report provides detailed information regarding the number of educational institutions, pupils/students, teaching and non-teaching personnel and expenditure at each level of education, as well as Cypriot Students abroad.

2. The main statistics included in the report are:

  • At all levels of education there were 1.210 educational institutions 163.654 full-time pupils and students and 11.567 teaching staff giving a pupil/teacher ratio of 14,1.
  • Of the total pupils/students 80,3% were enrolled in public educational institutions and 19,7% in private.
  • The enrolments of pupils/students by level of education were as follows: pre-primary 26.155, primary 63.715, secondary 63.043, third level 10.414 and special education 327.
  • Cypriot students abroad totalled 12.147 during the academic year 1999/2000. The main countries of study were Greece with 52,8% of students, the United Kingdom with 23,2% and U.S.A. with 14,0%.
  • Public expenditure on all levels of education amounted in 1999 to £286,8 million and accounted for 15,6% of the Government budget and 5,7% of the Gross Domestic Product.
  • The current public cost per pupil/student by level of education was £1.272 for pre-primary, £1.444 for primary, £2.092 for secondary and £5.081 for the third level education.

3. The report is available from the Government Printing Office at the price of £8.00 per copy.


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