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Industrial Statistics 2001

The Statistical Service announces that it has published the annual report "Industrial Statistics 2001".

The report provides detailed statistical data on the developments in the broad industrial sector covering mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity and water.

The major developments within each sector during 2001 compared to 2000 were:

Mining and Quarrying

The mining and quarrying sector in 2001 increased by 0,5% compared to the previous year. It is estimated that the value added of the sector in real terms increased from C£17.088 thousand in 2000, to C£17.180 thousand in 2001.


During 2001 the manufacturing sector remained at about the same level as in 2000 due mainly to domestic demand and to the fact that there was not an increase in exports of manufactured products. Value added of the sector decreased by 0,3% in real terms compared to an increase of 2,3% in 2000.

Food, beverages and tobacco, which traditionally is the largest group and in 2001 contributed 37,3% to the manufacturing value added, registered a 2,5% increase in volume of production. This was mainly due to the increase of domestic demand. The contribution of other non-metallic mineral products to the manufacturing value added increased to K£ 62,0 million compared to K£58,7 million in 2000. This enables the sub-sector to become the second largest group in the manufacturing sector.

The price index of domestically produced manufactured goods rose by 2,0% over 2000, compared to a 5,7% rise in the previous year. This is attributed to an increase of 2,1% in local market prices and 1,3% in export prices.

Industrial exports, rose from C£186,7 million in 2000 to C£187,2 million in 2001. Exports to European Union countries rose to 45,8% in 2001 from 39,3% in 1987 and 26,6% in 1982, while the share absorbed by Arab countries, fell to 29,2 % in 2001 from 45,1% in 1987 and 62,2% in 1982.

Expenditure on fixed assets in the sector during 2001 rose to C£86,6 million compared to C£80,1 million in 2000. Machinery and equipment accounted for 63,4% of total investment, new buildings and works for 22,4% and transport equipment for the remaining 14,2%.

Employment in manufacturing increased from 37,0 thousand persons in 2000 to 37,2 thousand in 2001. The percentage share of unemployment in the sector to total unemployment in the economy is estimated at 16,1% with average unemployment reaching 1.540 persons in 2001 compared to 2.245 in 2000.

Electricity and Water

During 2001 there was an increase in the rate of economic growth in this sector, estimated at 9,9%, compared to 8,0% in 2000.

Generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy, is by far the most important industry of the sector and in 2001 contributed 80,1% to the sectoral value added. Sales of electricity rose by 3,8% to 3.124,8 million kWh in 2001 from 3.011,2 million kWh in 2000. The highest increases were recorded in the consumption by financial, insurance, real estate and business services and wholesale and retail trade. In the manufacturing sector, the largest increases in the usage of electricity were recorded in chemicals and chemical products food products and beverages industries. Decreases were observed in the clothing, footwear, wood and products of wood industries. Consumption of electricity by households decreased by 1,2%, for public lighting by 0,2% and for water pumping purposes by 2,4%.

The report is available for sale from the Government Printing Office at the price of C£8,00.

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