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Tourism and Travel Statistics February, 2002
  1. The Statistical Service announces that in February 2002 the number of arrivals covering all categories of travellers (including excursionists) reached 115.008 recording a decrease of 8,7% compared to the corresponding month last year. For the period January-February 2002 arrivals of travellers reached 213.847 compared to 238.384 in the corresponding period of 2001, recording a decrease of 10,3%.
  2. Arrivals of tourists reached 71.950 in February 2002 compared to 83.568 in the corresponding month last year, recording a decrease of 13,9%. For the period January-February 2002 arrivals of tourists reached 126.017 compared to 147.781 in the corresponding period of 2001, i.e. a decrease of 14,7%.

    The main countries of tourist arrivals in February 2002 were the United Kingdom with 55,1%, Germany with 11,5%, Greece with 5,9%, Russia with 3,1%, Israel with 2,4%, Denmark with 2,1% and Netherlands with 1,6%. The overwhelming majority, 82,5% of tourist arrivals was from countries of the European Union.
  3. In February 2002, 40.674 residents of Cyprus returned from a trip abroad compared to 36.931 in the corresponding month last year. For the period January-February 2002, 81.629 residents returned from a trip abroad compared to 79.852 in the corresponding period last year recording an increase of 2,2%.
  4. In February 2002 the number of same-day visitors reached 635 of which 618 were same-day tourists and 17 excursionists. Long-term immigrants numbered 1.281 and short-term immigrants 365.

Further information can be obtained from the report "Tourism and Travel Statistics, February 2002, No. 181".

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