and Travel Statistics October, 2000 |
- The Statistical Service announces that in October 2000 the number of
arrivals covering all categories of travellers (including
excursionists) reached 386.748 recording an increase of 13,7% compared
to the corresponding month last year. For the period January-October
2000 arrivals of travellers reached 3.201.370 compared to 2.841.538 in
the corresponding period of 1999, recording an increase of 12,7%.
- Arrivals of tourists reached 300.597 in October 2000 compared to
270.732 in the corresponding month last year, recording an increase of
11,0%. For the period January-October 2000 arrivals of tourists
reached 2.458.982 compared to 2.231.912 in the corresponding period of
1999, i.e. an increase of 10,2%.
The main countries of tourist arrivals in October 2000 were the United
Kingdom with 50,0%, Germany with 9,5%, Sweden with 5,8%, Switzerland
with 5,1%, Russia with 4,1% and Netherlands with 2,6%. The
overwhelming majority, 80,3% of tourist arrivals was from countries of
the European Union.
- In October 2000, 43.212 residents of Cyprus returned from a trip
abroad compared to 45.542 in the corresponding month last year. For
the period January-October 2000, 513.089 residents returned from a
trip abroad compared to 467.042 in the corresponding period last year
recording an increase of 9,9%.
- In October 2000 the number of same-day visitors reached 40.025 of
which 1.791 were same-day tourists and 38.234 excursionists. Long-term
immigrants numbered 991 and short-term immigrants 1.922.
Further information can be obtained from the report "Tourism and
Travel Statistics, October 2000, No. 165".