THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release July 8, 1994 TEXT OF A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT TO THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE SENATE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS July 7, 1994 Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. Chairman:) In accordance with Public Law 95-384 (22 U.S.C 2373(c)), I am submitting to you this report on progress toward a negotiated settlement of the Cyprus question. The previous report covered progress through March 1, 1994. The current report covers the remainder of March through May 20, 1994. This has been a very active period for negotiations on the U.N. proposed package of confidence-building measures. I hope that in my next report, I will be able to state that progress has been made. Sincerely, WILLIAM J. CLINTON # # # .