THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _______________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release April 25, 1995 TEXT OF A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT TO THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE April 25, 1995 Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. Chairman:) In accordance with Public Law 95-384 (22 U.S.C. 2373(c)), I submit to you this report on progress toward a negotiated settlement of the Cyprus question. The previous report covered progress through January 31, 1995. The current report covers the period from February 1, 1995, through March 31, 1995. During this period my Special Emissary for Cyprus, Richard I. Beattie, and the State Department's Special Cyprus Coordinator, James A. Williams, visited Turkey and met with Turkish leaders. Constructive discussions were held on how best to move the process forward after the elections in northern Cyprus in April. Prime Minister Ciller expressed her willingness to assist in finding a solution during her recent visit and restated Ankara's commitment to work with the United Nations in producing an overall solution to the Cyprus problem. On March 6, the European Union agreed to begin accession negotiations with Cyprus after the conclusion of the 1996 Intergovernmental Conference. On the same date, the European Union concluded a customs union agreement with Turkey. I believe talks on membership in the EU for the entire island of Cyprus, together with Turkey's integration into Europe, will serve as a catalyst to the search for an overall solution on Cyprus. Sincerely, WILLIAM J. CLINTON