The White House

                    Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release                            March 29, 1996

                           Press Briefing
                           By Mike Mccurry

                          The Briefing Room

1:50 P.M. Est
             Mr. Mccurry:  Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.  
Thank you for bearing with us while the President completed his 
meeting with President Demirel.  I would -- a couple of notes before 
we get going.  I'm going to have David do a readout on the meeting, 
but tell you first, right after the President announces the new 
initiative on cancer drugs, which will be around -- he will be 
completed around 3:30 p.m. -- I'll have the Vice President and Dr. 
David Kessler, the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, 
here to brief further about that.  I also expect the Vice President 
might have some things to say about the Cbo's calculation on the 
Fy'96 deficit numbers.  So you can look forward to that at 3:30 p.m.
             Another program note:  Tony Lake, the Assistant to the 
President for National Security Affairs, National Security Advisor, 
is going to give an address on Monday entitled, "The Challenge of the 
U.S.-Russia Relationship in the Post-Cold War World."  This will be 
on Monday at 9:15 a.m.  He'll be speaking to the U.S.-Russia Business 
Council over at the Four Seasons Hotel.  That's a group that 
encourages private sector cooperation and investment with 
entrepreneurs in Russia.  And I expect that will be an important 
address for you to pay some attention to.  
             The National Security Advisor is going to sketch out 
several things that really set the stage in many ways for the 
President's upcoming visit to Moscow for the Nuclear Safety Summit, 
but also for the bilateral meetings that he will have with President 
Yeltsin.  So I call your attention to that.
             David Johnson, our Deputy Press Secretary for all things 
foreign, will tell you more about the Clinton-Demirel bilateral 
             Mr. Johnson:  Johnson, comma, David T.
             Q    Is he on the record?
             Q    He is.
             Mr. Johnson:  This briefing is not on background.  The 
President and President Demirel had a meeting that lasted about an 
hour, which went about twice as long as we had originally scheduled 
it.  They covered a very wide range of issues.  As most of you know, 
President Demirel is not the head of government, he's the head of 
state.  And in other systems, heads of state presidencies don't 
always have such a strong role to play, but over the last several 
months I think it's been proven what a pivotal figure President 
Demirel is as he's helped usher this coalition of exercise in Turkish 
democracy that's been so important for his country and for the 

             They covered the complete range of bilateral issues and 
a number of others.  The President made clear that the starting point 
for our discussions with Turkey was that they were key in a number of 
relationships the United States has -- the alliance for security and 
stability in Europe, for, ultimately, in the Middle East, and for the 
United States' relations with the countries in that part of the 
world, particularly the Islamic countries.
             The President took the opportunity to thank President 
Demirel for the hospitality that he and Turkey had provided for Mrs. 
Clinton and for his daughter.  He remarked that they had a 
particularly enjoyable time at Ephesus and he thought he had a 
difficult time getting them to leave there.
             He talked about Bosnia-Herzegovina and the role that 
Turkey was playing, in particular with the equip and train issue for 
the Bosnian armed forces.  The President thanked President Demirel 
for hosting the pledging conference and for the work that we had done 
together there.
             The President emphasized that we were in favor of the 
multiple pipeline approach to oil exports from the Transcaucacus 
region and that that would ultimately include a pipeline which would 
cross Turkish territory.  He thank President Demirel for the work 
that he had done with us, in particular with Sandy Berger, on the 
Nagorno-Karabakh issue.
             The President also thanked President Demirel for his 
help on Provide Comfort and supplying the population in Northern 
Iraq; for the generosity for our forces there, but also in the 
knowledge that the sanctions program to limit the war-making 
capability of Saddam Hussein's Iraq had been particularly costly for 
Turkey in trade terms.
             With respect to the Greek-Turkish dispute, the President 
made clear that we consider both Greece and Turkey very valued 
allies, and that the conflict they have is one that deeply saddens 
us.  The President encouraged President Demirel to consider the Icj 
or another third party that both states could agree on to possibly 
help them with the Imia-Kardak dispute.  
             On Cyprus, the President asked that President Demirel 
work with us to try to get this negotiating process restarted; that 
while we didn't have a new initiative or anything to announce, we 
plan to make extra efforts over the next several weeks and months to 
try to help us get the negotiating process moving again with respect 
to Cyprus.
             On security issues, there was a discussion of the role 
that Turkey plays in the alliance and the role -- and how we have 
worked together over the period between the founding of the alliance 
and the end of the Soviet Union -- had played a particularly role, 
but that role continues even past then with the new challenges which 
have come from the creation of the Newly Independent States.
             And, finally, the President told President Demirel that 
he would, at the conclusion of this meeting -- and something which is 
now going on -- notify Congress of his intent to transfer the three 
frigates to Turkey and that with respect to the Cobras that that 
issue would remain under consideration.
             No questions?
             Q    Did they discuss about the Iranian issue?
             Mr. Johnson:  They talked a bit about terrorism, but I 
can't confirm for you that anything specific about Iran was raised.

             Q    Was there any reference with respect to the 
formation of a coalition government in Turkey during the talks?
             Mr. Johnson:  Only with what I had said earlier, that 
the President remarked how key President Demirel was to the exercise 
of Turkish democracy, and in working with the authorities in getting 
that coalition established.
             Q    A few moments ago, the Turkish President, Mr. 
Demirel expressed his gratitude to President Clinton for his full 
support on the Turkish proposal for a political dialogue with Greece, 
that no -- issues divided the two countries.  Could    you please 
elaborate more about President Clinton's reaction to this Turkish 
proposal for a Greek-Turkish political dialogue has been turned down 
already by the Greek government?
             Mr. Johnson:  As I remarked earlier, we encouraged 
President Demirel, as we have encouraged Greece, to consider the Icj 
or some other agreeable third party to deal with the Imia-Kardak 
dispute, and we believe that some type of discussion between Greece 
and Turkey would be a good idea in order to address their issues.  
But in terms of anything specific that you raise,  I'm not certain 
that he or you are talking about the same thing.  But what I would 
say is what the United States believes is that we think that a 
discussion between Greece and Turkey, both of whom we believe are 
valued and important allies, would be useful in addressing the 
problems between them.
             Q    One more question.  Did they discuss specifically 
the issue, specifically?
             Mr. Johnson:  Yes.
             Q    And to which extent, because --
             Mr. Johnson:  I've already described to you that the 
United States has encouraged and is encouraging both parties to see 
if Icj or another agreeable third party could be helpful in that 
             Q    I'm asking because President Demirel told us they 
did not discuss this issue.  That's why --
             Mr. Johnson:  I've addressed the issue.  I think I will 
leave it at that.
             Q    Did the President bring up the human rights 
practices in Turkey and the Kurdish question?
             Mr. Johnson:  We discussed the Kurdish issue with 
respect to Provide Comfort and the work that Turkey has done in that 
area in supporting the United States and the allies in supplying the 
population there.
             Q    How about the terrorism?
             Mr. Johnson:  Terrorism was discussed, and --
             Q    How large was this in the discussion?
             Mr. Johnson:  Well, it was a feature of the discussion, 
a knowledge that the United States has that Turkey has had to 
confront terrorism, particularly Pkk terrorism, and that it has 
suffered a great deal in terms of attacks on its security and police 
forces.  And it's an issue that Turkey has to confront in its daily 
             Q    Was Syria brought up?

             Mr. Johnson:  In terms of the Middle East peace process 
there was a discussion of Syria, yes.
             Q    The Turkish Prime Minister -- recently launched a 
peace initiative with respect to Greece, and he announced a new peace 
package.  And was this raised or was this mentioned, taken up during 
the talks?  Did the President respond to this Turkish peace 
             Mr. Johnson:  Well, I think I've already discussed what 
our feelings are about our desire that Greece and Turkey address the 
issues which divide them peacefully, and in terms of discussions, and 
that, in particular, in the        Imia-Kardak dispute, that they 
consider the Icj or another third party on which they both can agree 
to ameliorate this problem.
             Q    Was the freedom of expression brought up at all?
             Mr. Johnson:  There was a discussion of Turkish 
democracy and the way it is working.
             Thank you.
             Mr. Mccurry:  The other thing I meant to call to your 
attention -- I'm sure you've all got the various pieces of paper 
available on the President and Vice President's announcements 
regarding the global positioning system and some of the technologies 
that will be available.  I encourage people to take a look for that 
             Other subjects, other questions.
             Q    Did he sign the debt limit bill yet?
             Mr. Mccurry:  He has not received the debt -- that has 
not come here yet.  Oh, I'm sorry, excuse me.  The debt limit -- no, 
the debt limit bill has not -- 
             Q    Debt limit, Social Security?
             Mr. Mccurry:  None of these measures have yet arrived 
her at the White House.  The White House has only received one 
measure as of about an hour ago, and that was the line-item veto.  
And as I indicated earlier, the President will deal with that next 
week.  We certainly expect to get the debt measure very shortly, and 
the President, of course, will sign this.
             We had long encouraged Congress to extend the debt 
ceiling, had called repeatedly for the extension of the debt ceiling, 
and, frankly, consider, as the Wall Street Journal did today, it to 
have been a failure in tactics by the Republican Congress to use the 
debt ceiling measure to try to force the President into making 
decisions the President had always indicated he would not, 
specifically, accepting Medicare cuts, accepting cuts in 
environmental protection and education and technology funding that's 
important for the economy.  The President indicated all along he 
would not take that and he would not allow them to use this debt 
ceiling as a weapon to hold him hostage.  I think the President now 
has made it quite clear -- or Congress made it clear by passing this 
measure that that was a faulty strategy from the beginning.
             Q    Daschle said it's a done deal, the President will 
sign a three-week Cr extension.
             Mr. Mccurry:  Well, we remain in discussion with 
Congress.  It now appears to us that they are headed in the direction 
of yet again a short-term funding resolution.  This will the be 12th 
such funding measure because Congress can't seem to complete work on 
full appropriations measures for the balance of this fiscal year.  
It's increasingly looking like this fiscal year might be over by the 
time they get around to funding it.  But the President, if that's the 
only form in which we have funding to keep the government open, we'll 
reluctantly accept that and we'll go back to work at the conclusion 
of the recess that Congress seems intent on taking.
             Q    Ross Perot is on the campaign trail and hinting 
broadly he may yet be a candidate.  On the issues that he raises, 
does the White House think he's justified in running again in '96?
             Mr. Mccurry:  Well, the President believes that on many 
of the issues he raised in 1992 we have delivered for the American 
people -- a stronger economy; reform of our government; a smaller, 
downsized government that performs better service for the people of 
this country; and as you all know, eight million new jobs and, 
importantly an issue that he talked about in 1992, reducing the 
             We had confirmation today from the Congressional Budget 
Office of Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole that this President kept his 
promise in 1992 to reduce the deficit by half.  We thank the Speaker, 
we thank Senator Dole for that confirmation that the President kept 
his promise.   
             Now, that's one of the issues that Mr. Perot raised.  I 
have no idea what his plans are for 1996, and you can come back and 
ask me in about six months.
             Q    But do you think he's likely to hurt Clinton more 
or Dole more?
             Mr. Mccurry:  That's a September-October question.  I'll 
be happy to entertain it then.
             What else?
             Q    What about the other issues on Perot's list?
             Mr. Mccurry:  I don't know what's on his list and I 
don't know whether his list will be of any significance in terms of 
the campaign.  So let's talk about that in about a half a year from 
             Q    It seems like the Congress or Senate of Colombia 
wants the withdrawal of the U.S. Ambassador Miles Frechette for some 
statements he made regarding the commission that's investigating 
President Semper.  Is the White House backing Miles Frechette?
             Mr. Mccurry:  I heard a little bit about that, but -- we 
do back the Ambassador fully, of course.  And the State Department, I 
believe, was in a position to comment further on it.  In fact, they 
may have already done that over at their briefing today.
             Q    -- farm bill and also partial-birth abortion ban 
             Mr. Mccurry:  The farm bill is, as I just indicated, 
none of these measure have come to us yet.  We have not received the 
late-term abortion bill.  The President obviously intends to veto 
that measure.  The farm bill we expect to receive, but in many cases 
I think this legislation will probably not arrive here at the White 
House until some time next week.  But we will keep you apprised.  We 
are not anticipating any action on any of this legislation other than 
the debt ceiling and in the continuing resolution today.
             Q    Do you expect a ceremony at least for the farm 
bill, though, when you get to that?
             Mr. Mccurry:  That's not clear at this point and we'll 
let you know next week.  We've got a lot of time open on the calendar 
next week to deal with the legislation that's coming down from the 
Hill, and I suspect there will be some public ceremonies.  I expect 
in some cases you're just going to get written statements from the 
President indicating his decisions on some of these measures.
             Q    Will there be any statement today on the Social 
Security earnings limit, written or verbal?
             Mr. Mccurry:  That is --
             Q    -- part of the debt limit.
             Mr. Mccurry:  I thought the debt limit bill came -- no, 
you're right.  They were going to -- at one point there was a 
different consideration of what they were going to attach that to, 
but there will be certainly a reference in the President's signed 
statement on the debt ceiling bill reference to that provision.
             Q    Is that how you're going to deal with it, Mike, put 
out some paper when he does that?
             Mr. Mccurry:  I expect that's what we'll do on the debt 
ceiling measure and the continuing.  In both cases I anticipate 
written statements by the President.  I don't think that we're going 
to see him on those issues.
             Q    And do you expect those this afternoon?  Do you 
expect they'll be late?
             Mr. Mccurry:  The last I had heard is that we expected 
to receive the debt ceiling measure around noon, but it hadn't come 
in as of an hour ago.
             Q    Mike, why is the President going to Korea and what 
does he plan to achieve on the visit?
             Mr. Mccurry:  The President has agreed to adjust his 
departure time on April 15th so he can make a brief, but important 
stop in the Republic of Korea because of the central role the 
Republic of Korea plays in our strategic approach to security in the 
Asia Pacific region.
             We are very keenly interested in expanding our security 
discussions with the government of Japan when the President goes to 
meet with President Hashimoto, and we believe it would be very 
fruitful for the President to have an opportunity to visit with 
President Kim prior to his arrival in Tokyo because of the very close 
cooperation we enjoy with both the Republic of Korea and the 
government of Japan in dealing with our security concerns.
             There will, of course, be other bilateral issues that 
might arise -- economic issues, other issues related to our 
cooperation on global issues.  But this brief stop will provide 
President Kim and President Clinton an opportunity to visit on 
subjects that will certainly be much a part of the President's 
overall travels not only in the Asia Pacific region, but also as he 
goes onward to Moscow.
             Q    Has anything happened in the past few weeks that 
would have made the visit more important than a few weeks ago when 
the President was unable to go?
             Mr. Mccurry:  Well, a meeting between the President of 
the United States and the President of the Republic of Korea would  
always be important.  This one had not been scheduled simply because 
of the President's prior plans.  But because those plans have changed 
and we've got an opportunity to make that stop, the President thought 
it was important to do so and to rearrange his plans.
             Q    I'm sorry, what plans changed, Mike?
             Mr. Mccurry:  We had originally anticipated some things 
were happening that weekend that for a variety of reasons didn't come 
together, and so he has a little bit of -- more time available to him 
on his own travel schedule.  

             Q    With regard to the case of Martin Pang, Attorney 
General Janet Reno this morning indicated that all Justice Department 
options have been exhausted, that the only way King County 
prosecutors are going to be able to try him for murder is if it comes 
out of the Executive Branch.  Are you prepared to go forward with 

             Mr. Mccurry:  I don't have any comment on the case.  If 
the Attorney General has commented, that is the proper place for the 
comment to come.

             Q    She said that it would be brought by the Executive 
Branch.  Have you heard about it at all --

             Mr. Mccurry:  I'll have to check with the Legal 
Counsel's Office to see whether they have followed that issue.

             Q    Thank you.

             Mr. Mccurry:  Is that all you got?  (Laughter.)
             Q    That's all I've got.  (Laughter.)

             Q    I have one follow-up question.

             Mr. Mccurry:  One follow-up question. 

             Q    Is Ralph Nader a September-October question, too? 

             Mr. Mccurry:  Yes, I'd say you start clocking in on that 
around maybe the last week in August, the Labor Day.  I think Labor 
Day will be -- and, by the way, I'd encourage you on some of these 
issues, even though I don't think they're saying much about it, but 
remember that both Ann Lewis and Joe Lockhart over at Clinton-Gore 
'96 are always available to you.  And they are the proper place for 
comments like that to come.  
             We have got a lot of work to do here, and there will be 
plenty of time for campaigning later in this year.  And I think 
you'll find our campaign committee responsive to you, and that's the 
place where a lot of that commentary should come from.  

             Q    On Monday, aside from the O's game, what do we 

             Mr. Mccurry:  Next week, the President is going up to 
Camden Yards on Monday, might do a little bit of work here before he 
goes.  On Tuesday, we've got a very important state visit by 
President Scalfaro.  I expect on Wednesday we might be doing some 
further discussion on the President's efforts to combat crime and 
gangs.  And then at the end of the week, of course, he goes to 
Oklahoma City.  And that's the week ahead. 

             Q    Is the Garagiola event still on? 

             Mr. Mccurry:  We'll let you know on that.  It's not 
clear how they're going to fit everyone's plans in, but I do think 
they will try to do something with that.  

             Q    Is the President going to Ed Muskie's funeral 

             Mr. Mccurry:  He has no plans to do so, and I -- I had 
heard something about a delegation, but you can check with the Press 

             Q    I'm sorry.  Just to be clear, the Garagiola thing, 
it's only dependent on whether it takes place here or somewhere else? 

             Mr. Mccurry:  They are working on the schedule for that 
and how they we're going to do that, and we'll let you know. 

             Q    Do you know what it is that he wants to accomplish 
with that?  

             Mr. Mccurry:  Well, the President is very -- as I 
mentioned yesterday, the President is very interested in the work 
that Joe Garagiola has been doing to discourage the use of chewing 
tobacco by baseball players, who set, obviously, an example for young 
people in this country.  It furthers the President's convictions that 
we should really do everything we can to discourage tobacco use by 
young people.  

             Q    Anything you can say from your podium about Montana 
that might diffuse the situation? 

             Mr. Mccurry:  I believe that the Justice Department has 
been saying what they think is necessary in order to make sure that 
proper procedures are followed and the law enforcement effort there 
is effective.  And I really don't have anything to add other than to 
say that Mr. Panetta continues to get updates as necessary from the 
Department and he advised the President of any developments. 

             Q    Do you have any words of encouragement for the 

             Mr. Mccurry:  Well, we well understand the concerns of 
the community.  The Justice Department has spoken to that, and we 
believe extensive efforts are being made to protect the citizens.  
That's what the proper law enforcement effort there is much about. 

             Q    Radio address? 

             Mr. Mccurry:  Radio address will be tomorrow live and in 

             Q    What's the subject?

             Mr. Mccurry:  I'll keep you guessing until tomorrow.  
Actually, I'll keep you guessing because it was changing around a 
little bit.  I'm not sure that they have locked it in yet. 

             Okay.  Thank you.  

             The Press:  Thank you.  

             End                          2:11 P.M. Est