6 multi-member constituencies (seats alloted according to population).

Voting system:
Direct election with proportional representation and preferential system.
Voters first select the list of a single party (or coalition of parties or isolated independent candidate) and then, within the list, mark one preference for every four seats t o be filled in their constituency.
Seats are distributed among lists within each constituency by dividing the total number of votes cast for each list by the electoral quota. Remaining seats are distributed among parties or coalitions of parties which have gained at least one seat in any constituency pursuant to the first distribution or, for single parties, at least 1.8% of all valid votes cast throughout the island (for coalitions of 2 or more parties, the applicable figures are 10% and 20%, respec tively). Notwithstanding the above, 3.6% of the total number of votes cast is required for lists of single parties which participate in the second distribution in order to be entitled to a second seat.
Vacancies arising between general elections are filled by the unsuccessful candidates of the same party in the constituency concerned who received the highest number of preferential votes after the last successful candidate.
Voting is compulsory, unjustified failure to do so resulting in a fine a nd/or imprisonment.

Voter requirements:
- age: 21 years
- Cyprus citizenship
- residence in the country for at least six months prior to elections
- disqualifications: insanity, imprisonment, disfranchisement by court decision

Qualified electors
- age: 25 years
- Cyprus citizenship
- ineligibility: conviction of an offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude, electoral offence

- Minister
- member of municipal council
- membership of the armed or security forces
- public or municipal office

Candidacy requirements:
- party lists or individual candidatures possible
- support of at least four registered electors
- deposit of 250 Cyprus pounds, reimbursed if candidate obtains votes equalling at least 1/3 of the electoral quota



President of the House of Representatives

- duration: 5 years (term of House)
- reasons for interruption of the term: written resignation, conviction of an offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude, being disqualified by a competent court for any electoral offence, holder of another publ ic office - death

- elected by all the Members of the House at the first sitting after the elections, after members' mandates are validated and after they are sworn in

- any Member can be candidate, no formal notification is required

Voting system:
- formal vote by public ballot ( show of hands) - possibility of organizing several rounds, maximum 3
- for the 1st ballot, 50% + 1 of those present and voting is required - for the second, 40% - for the third, the candidate who receives the largest n umber of votes is elected

Procedures / results :
- the most senior Representative presides over the House during the voting
- the presiding officer supervises the voting
- the presiding officer announces the results without any delay
- the results may be challenged


- ranks second in the hierarchy after the President of the Republic, is the acting Head of State during the absence of the President of the Republic
- represents the House with the public authorities
- represents the House in international bodies
- may preside over any committee, is ex officio president of the Committee of Selection
- in the absence of the President of the House, the most senior Representative can assume his/her role and functions


Material facilities:
- salary (CYŁ 15.318)
+ expense allowance
- official car
- secretariat + additional staff
- police protection


Organization of parliamentary business:
- convenes sessions
- establishes and modifies the agenda
- organizes the debates and sets speaking time, within the limits of the Constitution and Rules of Procedure
- refers texts to a committee for study
- may propose the setting up of comm ittees of enquiry

Chairing of public sittings:
- can open, adjourn and close sittings
- ensures respect for provisions of the Constitution and Standing Orders
- may make announcements concerning the House
- takes disciplinary measures in the event of disturbance, and lifts such measures
- establishes the list of speakers, gives and withdraws permission to speak
- establishes the order in which amendments are taken up and selects which amendments are to be debated, in conformity with the Rules of Procedure
- calls for a vote, decides how it is to be carried out, verifies the voting procedure and cancels a vote in the event of irregularities, in conformity with the Rules of Procedure
- checks the quorum
- authenticates the adopted texts and the records of debates
- may have di scretionary power to give the floor outside the agenda and thus organizes impromptu debates

Special powers:
- gives instructions for establishing the budget
- organizes the services of Parliament

Others powers :
- is responsible for relations with foreign Parliaments
- is responsible for safety, and in this capacity, can call the police in the e vent of disturbance in the Chamber

Speaking and voting rights, other functions:
- takes the floor in legislative debates
- provides guidelines for the interpretation or completion of the text under discussion
- in practice, takes no part in voting, but may vote if so he/she so wishes
- proposes bills or amendments
- inte rvenes in the parliamentary oversight procedure