Parliament: Vouli Antiprosopon
House of Representatives
Structure: Unicameral
Chamber: Vouli Antiprosopon
President: Spyros Kyprianou (M)
Secretary general: Costakis Christoforou (M)
Members: 80
- 56 directly elected by Greek-Cypriot community
- 24 directly elected by Turkish-Cypriot community (currently vacant)
Percentage of women: 5 %
Term: 5 years
Last renewal: 1996-05-26
Address: House of Representatives
Tel.: (3572) 30 34 51
Cable: Comparlas, Nicosia
Telex: 5500 VOULI CY
Fax: (3572) 36 66 11, 47 30 66
Affiliation to IPU: Yes
Affiliation dates: 1978