About Cyprus

Parliamentary Parties

Progressive Party of Working People
(Anorthotiko Komma Ergazomenou Laou) - AKEL
4. Ezekias Papaioannou Street, 1075 Nicosia
P.O. Box 21827, 1513 Nicosia
Tel: 22761121, Fax: 22761574
E-mail: k.e.akel@cytanet.com.cy
Web Site: http://www.akel.org.cy/

General Secretary: Mr Demetris Christofias, President of the House of Representatives
Parliamentary Leader: Mr Andreas Christou
Members of the Secretariat of the Central Committee: Mr Antonis Christodoulou
Mr Venizelos Zannettos
Mr Antonis Chrysostomou
Mr Nicos Katsourides (MHR)
Mr Nicos Demetriades
Head of International Relations Bureau: Mr Andros Kyprianou (MHR)

Left wing party based on Marxist-Leninist principles, taking into account current international political and economic developments.

Founded in 1941*

It supports an independent, demilitarised and non-aligned Cyprus, and a federal solution of the internal aspect of the Cyprus problem. It places particular emphasis on rapprochement with the Turkish Cypriots. It supports entry into the European Union with certain reservations.

20 seats in House of Representatives
Secured 34,71% of the votes in the May 2001 elections (Gained 1 seat, +1,71%)

*The party is successor to the Communist Party of Cyprus, which held its first congress in 1926 but was declared illegal by the British authorities in 1931. Constituted in 1941, AKEL absorbed the Communist Party. It was declared illegal during the anti-colonial struggle from 1955 to 1959.

Party Organisations

United Democratic Youth Organisation
(Eniea Dimokratiki Organosi Neoleas) - EDON
4 Androcleous Street, 1060 Nicosia
P.O. Box 21986, 1515 Nicosia
Tel.: 22766459, Fax: 22757161
E-mail: ccedon@cytanet.com.cy
Web Site: http://www.edon.org.cy
General Secretary: Mr Stephanos Stephanou
Central Organising Secretary: Mr Giorgos Loukaides

Pancyprian Federation of Women%26rsquo;s Organisations
(Pankypria Omospondia Gynekeion Organoseon) - POGO
56 Kennedy Avenue,
Abitare Building, Apt 21, 1076 Nicosia
P.O. Box 28506, 2080 Nicosia
Tel.: 22494906, Fax: 22427051
General Secretary: Ms Christina Demetriadou
Central Organising Secretary: Ms Melia Avraam

Democratic Rally
(Dimokratikos Synagermos) - DISY
25 Pindarou Street, 1061 Nicosia
P .O. Box 25305, 1308 Nicosia
Tel.: 22883000, Fax: 22759894
E-mail: disy@disy.org.cy
Web Site: http://www.disy.org.cy/

President: Mr Nicos Anastasiades (MHR)
Deputy President: Mr Panayiotis Demetriou (MHR)
Parliamentary Group Leader: Mr Demetris Syllouris

The Political Bureau comprises the President, Deputy President, 12-elected members and the party%26rsquo;s two past Presidents, Mr Glafcos Clerides and Mr Yiannakis Matsis. There are also 4 ex-officio members including the President of the Democratic Rally Youth (NEDISY) and the General Secretary of the Democratic Rally Women%26rsquo;s Organisation (GODISY).

Right wing party founded in 1976.

Member of the European People%26rsquo;s Party, Christian Democrat International, European Democrat Union, and International Democrat Union.

It supports Cyprus%26rsquo; accession to the European Union and advocates greater involvement by the EU and the international community in the search for a settlement of the Cyprus problem within the framework of the EU acquis communautaire and on the basis of a bizonal, bicommunal federation.

19 seats in House of Representatives
Secured 34% of the votes in the May 2001 elections (Lost 1 seat, - 0,47%)

Party Organisations

Democratic Rally Youth
(Neolea Dimokratikou Synagermou) - NEDISY
P.O. Box 25305, 1308 Nicosia
Tel.: 22883000, Fax: 22752751
President: Mr Yiannos Ioannou
General Secretary: Mr Chrysostomos Kythreotis

Democratic Rally Women%26rsquo;s Organisation
(Gynekeia Organosi Dimokratikou Synagermou) - GODISY
P.O. Box 25305, 1308 Nicosia
Tel: 22883000, Fax: 22752751
General Secretary: Mrs Josephine Antoniou

3. Democratic Party
(Dimokratiko Komma) - DIKO
50 Grivas Dighenis Avenue, 1687 Nicosia
P.O. Box 23979, 1080 Nicosia
Tel: 22666002, Fax: 22666488
E-mail: diko@diko.org.cy
Web Site: http://www.diko.org.cy/

President: Mr Tassos Papadopoulos (MHR)
Deputy President and Parliamentary Spokesman: Mr Nicos Cleanthous
Vice-Presidents: Mr Nicos Pittokopitis (MHR)
Mr Aristos Chrysostomou (MHR)
Mr Costas Petrides

General Secretary: Mr Andreas Angelides
General Organising Secretary: Mr Phitos Constantinou

Centre right party founded in 1976

It supports a settlement of the Cyprus problem based on UN resolutions, Cyprus%26rsquo; entry into the European Union and a strong defence. It has accepted the idea of federation.

9 seats in House of Representatives
Secured 14,84% of the votes (Lost 1 seat in the May 2001 elections, -1,59%)

Party Organisations
Democratic Party Youth
(Neolea Dimokratikou Kommatos) - NEDIK
50 Grivas Dighenis Avenue, 1687 Nicosia
P.O. Box 23979, 1080 Nicosia
Tel: 22666002, Fax: 22666488
E-mail: diko@diko.org.cy
Web Site: http://www.diko.org.cy/
President: Mr Nestoras Nestoros
General Secretary: Ms Dora Katselli

Democratic Party Women%26rsquo;s Organisation
(Gynekeia Organosi Dimokratikou Kommatos) - GODIK
50 Grivas Dighenis Avenue, 1687 Nicosia
P.O. Box 23979, 1080 Nicosia
Tel: 22666002, Fax: 22666488
E-mail: diko@diko.org.cy
Web Site: http://www.diko.org.cy/
President: Mrs Antigoni Papadopoulou (MHR)
General Secretary: Mrs Tasoula Alevra Philaktidou

4. Movement of Social Democrats
(Kinima Sosialdimokraton) - KISOS
40 Byron Avenue, 1096 Nicosia
P.O. Box 21064, 1501 Nicosia
Tel: 22670121, 22678617, Fax: 22678894
E-mail: socialdimokrates@cytanet.com.cy
Web Site: http://www.kisos.org/

President: Mr Yiannakis Omirou (MHR)
Deputy President: Mr Kyriakos Mavronicolas
First Vice-President : Mr Marinos Sizopoulos
Second Vice-President: Mr Sophocles Sophocleous
Secretary of the Central Committee: Mr Dinos Michael

The party officially succeeded the Socialist Party EDEK* on 20/2/2000

Member of European Socialist Party and Socialist International
Supports an independent and united Cyprus within a federal system with a strong central government and a settlement based on UN resolutions and the implementation of human rights for all its citizens. It also supports Cyprus%26rsquo; accession to the European Union, which it considers a top priority.

4 seats in House of Representatives
Secured 6,51% of the votes in the May 2001 elections (Lost 1 seat, -1,62%)

*(The honorary President of KISOS Dr Vassos Lyssarides originally founded the Socialist Party EDEK in 1969. EDEK is a Greek acronym for Democratic Union of Cyprus.)

Party Organisations

Social Democratic Youth
(Neolea Sosialdimokraton) - NEOS
3 Paparigopoulos Street, 1086 Nicosia
Tel: 22518700, Fax: 22495363
E-mail: eden@eden.cy.org
President: Mr Demetris Papadakis
General Secretary: Mr Sotos Ktoris

Socialist Women%26rsquo;s Movement
(Sosialistiki Gynekeia Kinisi)
40 Byron Avenue, 1096 Nicosia
Tel.: 22670121
Fax: 2678894
President: Mrs Roulla Mavronicola
General Secretary: Mrs Anna Yiannakou

5. New Horizons
(Nei Orizontes) - NEO
3 Trikoupi Street, 1015 Nicosia
P.O. Box 22496, 1522 Nicosia
Tel: 22761476, Fax: 22761144
E mail: neo@logos.cy.net
Web Site http://www.neoiorizontes.org/

President: Mr Nikos Koutsou
Deputy President: Christos Clerides (MHR)
First Vice- President: Stratos Panayides
General Secretary: Ms Maria Rossidou

Founded on 18 February 1996

It supports the establishment of a unitary state and is opposed to the establishment of a bizonal, bicommunal federation based on ethnic criteria. It also supports Cyprus%26rsquo; entry into the European Union.

Has entered the House of Representatives for the first time with 1 seat
Secured 3% of the votes in the May 2001 elections (+1,29%)

Party Organisations

New Argonauts - Youth Section of New Horizons
(Nei Argonaftes - Neolea Neon Orizonton)
3 Trikoupi Street, 1015 Nicosia
P.O.Box 22496, 1522 Nicosia
Tel: 22761476, Fax: 22761144
E mail: neo@logos.cy.net
Web Site http://www.neoiorizontes.org/
President: Dr Alexandros Michaelides
General Secretary: Mr Andreas Matsas

New Horizons Women%26rsquo;s Section
(Tomeas Gynekon Neon Orizonton)
3 Trikoupi Street, 1015 Nicosia
P.O.Box 22496, 1522 Nicosia
Tel: 22761476, Fax: 22761144
E mail: neo@logos.cy.net
Web Site http://www.neoiorizontes.org/
President: Ms Maria Rossidou
General Secretary: Ms Marina Demetriou

6. United Democrats*
(Enomeni Dimokrates) - EDI
8 Iasonos Street, 1082 Nicosia
P.O. Box 23494, 1683 Nicosia
Tel: 22663030, Fax: 22664747
E-mail: edicy@spidernet.com.cy

President: Mr George Vassiliou
Deputy President: Mr Michalis Papapetrou
First Vice-President: Mr George Christofides
Second Vice-President: Mr Panicos Papageorgiou
General Secretary: Mr Costas Themistocleous
Central Organising Secretary: Mr Christos Charalambides

Party of the centre, founded on 1 December 1996

It advocates the creation of a federation and a settlement based on UN resolutions. It supports Cyprus%26rsquo; entry into the European Union.

1 seat in House of Representatives
Secured 2,59% of the votes in the May 2001 elections (Lost 1 seat, -2,54%)

* (The Movement of Free Democrats (KED) of Mr George Vassiliou and the Democratic Socialist Reform Movement (ADISOK) of Mr Michalis Papapetrou merged on 1 December 1996 to form the United Democrats. KED had secured 3.69% of the votes and won two seats in the May 1996 elections. ADISOK had received 1.44% of the votes and no seats).

Party Organisations

United Democrats Youth Organisation
(Organosi Neoleas Enomenon Dimokraton) - ONED
8 Iasonos Street, 1082 Nicosia
P.O. Box 23494, 1683 Nicosia
Tel: 22663030, Fax: 22664747
President: Mr Costas Christou
General Secretary: Mrs Elena Karagiorgi-Neoptolemou

United Democrats Women%26rsquo;s Organisation
(Gynekeia Organosi Enomenon Dimokraton) - GOED
8 Iasonos Street, 1082 Nicosia
P.O. Box 23494, 1683 Nicosia
Tel.: 22663030, Fax: 22664747

President: Mrs Niki Hannidou
General Secretary: Mrs Christiana Christophidou

7. Fighting Democratic Movement
(Agonistiko Dimokratiko Kinima) – ADIK
80 Arch. Makariou III Street, Flat 401, 1077 Nicosia
P.O.Box 16095, 2085 Nicosia
Tel.: 22765353, Fax: 22375737
Email: adhk@spidernet.com.cy

President: Mr Dinos Michaelides (MHR)*
Vice Presidents: Mr Georgios Lykourgos,
Dr Edwin Josephides

General Secretary: Mr Panikos Leonidou
General Organising Secretary: Mr Andreas Papamiltiades

Party of the centre right, founded in March 1999
*(Its President was formerly a member of the Democratic Party)

It supports an independent and united Cyprus and a settlement based on UN resolutions. It considers Cyprus%26rsquo; entry into the European Union a top priority.

Has entered House of Representatives for the first time with 1 seat
Secured 2,16% of the votes in the May 2001 elections

Party Organisations

Fighting Democratic Movement Youth
80 Arch. Makariou III Street, Flat 401, 1077 Nicosia
P.O.Box 16095, 2085 Nicosia
Tel: 22765353, Fax: 22375737
E-mail: adhk@spidernet.com.cy
President: Mr Makis Andoniades

Fighting Democratic Movement Women´s Organisation
80 Arch. Makariou III Street, Flat 401, 1077 Nicosia
P.O.Box 16095, 2085 - Nicosia
Tel: 22765353, Fax: 22375737
E-mail: adhk@spidernet.com.cy
President: Ms Maro Kafkaridou

8. Ecological-Environmental Movement – The Cyprus Green Party
(Kinima Ekologon-Perivallontiston – To Prasino Komma tis Kyprou)
3 Nikos Kazantzakis Street, 2007 Nicosia
P.O. Box 29682, 1722 Nicosia
Tel: 22518787, Fax: 22512710
E- mail: cyprusgreens@hotmail.com
Web Site: http://cycentral.com/greens/

The Cyprus Green Party is run by a 7-member Committee.
The General Co-ordinator is currently Mrs Evi Theopemptou and the Deputy Co-ordinator Mr Pantelis Metaxas.

Central Organising Secretary: Kyriakos Tsimillis
Press Spokesperson: George Perdikis (MHR)

Founded March 1996
Member of the European Federation of Green Parties

It is opposed to any geographical division of the island and the people of Cyprus based on ethnic origin or religion and supports Cyprus%26rsquo; entry into the European Union. It is not in favour of any arms build-up.

Has entered the House of Representatives for the first time with 1 seat
Secured 1,98% of the votes in the May 2001 elections (+0,98%)

Party Organisations

Youth Ecologists
(Nei Ekologi)
3 Nicos Kazantzakis Street, 2007 Nicosia
P.O Box 29682, 1722 Nicosia
Tel: 22518787, Fax: 22512710
E- mail: cyprusgreens@hotmail.com
Web Site: http://cycentral.com/greens/
Coordinator: Ms Melina Menelaou


1. The House of Representatives has 80 seats. Fifty-six (56) are occupied by elected members from the Greek Cypriot community while 24 seats are reserved for the Turkish Cypriot community according to the 70:30 ratio of representation specified in the Constitution. These however remain vacant pending the reunification of the island following a settlement of the Cyprus problem.

0,21% of the votes went to 6 independent candidates in the 27 May 2001 elections.

3. Elections are held every 5 years and a minimum of 1,8% of the votes is required to enter the House of Representatives. The last elections were held on 27 May 2001 and the previous elections were held on 26 May 1996.

* MHR: Member of House of Representatives

Entry Date 8/1/2002
