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Course Information
Learn Greek Online is a course provided by Kypros-Net in collaboration with the CyBC to teach the modern Greek language online.

Learn Greek Online is currently composed of 105 real audio files (around 15 minutes each), online student notes, a collection of collaborative learning tools and an online greek dictionary and a greek spell checker.

The text version of these lessons has been contributed by students of this course.

The course is offered absolutely free of charge. All you need to do is register and enjoy !.

As a user of this site, you agree that you will not download the audio lessons to your computer, you will not distribute them in any manner, and you will not encourage others to do so, without the prior permission of Kypros-Net, Inc.

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Contributors: Armando Acevedo, Jim Arnold, Aren Bron, Greg Brush, Greg Pieris, Mike Neary, Rebecca Schlesinger, Marshall Schwartz, Giorgos Zacharia, Panayiotis Zaphiris, and others

Copyright: Content in this course is copyrighted and any illegal copy or distribution of the content is prohibited.

Disclaimer: Activity on this site is logged and data collected might be used in research publications. User's identity will be protected in those cases.

Session Replace: Table './learngreek19b/sessions2' is marked as crashed and should be repaired