I have noticed that Greg mentions things are common in the Athenian dialect, etc. I am wondering if you (or anyone) can tell me where I get certain traits in my Greek. I ask because my family is from all over Greece, from the Thessaloniki to Crete, literally, so I don't know. Mostly we are from the Peloponnese, though. For instance:
(1) I say "okso" instead of "ekso" for "outside".
(2) I say "katitis" instead of "kati" for something (p.x.: theleis katitis na fas?)
(3) I pronounce "li" as "lyi" or even almost "yi" (p.x.: poly, sounds like po'yi)
(4) Is there a difference between when people say "milaw" versus "milw", for instance? I never say the "aw" form.
I have noticed that as I speak to more mainstream people, I have changed my words to be like theirs...I don't do the "y" thing anymore, unless it slips out, and I say "kati" and "ekso."
I am just curious about dialects in general, so anything would be helpful if anyone knows anything. Also, it could be useful to people just learning because they can pick up some of the regional differences.
(I apologize for not using Greek letters, this computer doesn't have the capacity) |