Picture of Guest User
Translating my name
by Guest User - Saturday, 26 April 2008, 05:42 PM
I am trying to figure out how to spell my greek name. I know what it is but I don't know how to spell it using the greek alphabet.
Here it is, I'm pretty sure that I have spelt this wrong, I'm just going by how I pronounce it, but I hope this helps:
Vahelius Athenostis Korniotes

I hope someone can help me.
Picture of Guest User
Re: Translating my name
by Guest User - Monday, 28 April 2008, 10:55 AM

i think that i have found out how to kind of translate your name.

Θ*Ωηλληαμ Korniotes
some of it is in greek some of it isn't
i hope this has help you
Kerry (ιρλανδική αγελάδα)
Picture of Guest User
Re: Translating my name
by Guest User - Monday, 28 April 2008, 12:04 PM
Thanks for your help, although I don't know if that is correct. That actually looks like the answer I have gotten from most online translators, and I don't really trust those with translating my name. Especially since I know that my Greek Initials are beta alpha kappa. I'm mainly just trying to figure out how to spell my first and last name in Greek. I've asked two people I know that are fluent in Greek how to spell my name and they both wrote it down for me. The initials were the same from both people, but I have lost the piece of paper from the first person I asked and the second person I asked has sloppy handwriting and I can't read most of it and I felt like it would be rude of me to ask him to write it more legibly.
Here is a scan of the second person's spelling of my name, I trust that its correct so I am just hoping that someone on here can tell me the letters for my first and last name.

What I can read from this is only my last name. I'm pretty sure the spelling according to this is: kappa, omicron, rho, nu, iota, omega, tau, upsilon, sigma

My only concern with that is the second to last letter, in english it is an e but this person I asked used upsilon which corresponds to an i in modern greek (according to wikipedia), and I don't know if it should be epsilon or upsilon.
Picture of Guest User
Re: Translating my name
by Guest User - Monday, 28 April 2008, 12:42 PM
  Greek handwriting can take a bit of getting used to. What the second writer has written is:

Βασίλειος 'Αθανάσιος Κορνιώτης.

The writer is clearly used to writing classical Greek because (a) he has placed a smooth breathing (') before the A of Athanasios and (b) he has written the sigma as 'c' instead of 'σ'.

The penultimate letter of your surname is, in fact an eta, not and upsilon.

Hope this helps.


Picture of Guest User
Re: Translating my name
by Guest User - Monday, 28 April 2008, 02:11 PM
  thank you so much. That is a major help. Thank you very very much!
Picture of Guest User
Re: Translating my name
by Guest User - Wednesday, 16 July 2008, 10:46 AM


Just a note.

You may wish to look into the translation of your name Kerry, you have it as (ιρλανδική αγελάδα) when you translate (ιρλανδική αγελάδα) to English it is not Kerry.