Baby Rifat
Greek idioms and proverbs
by Rifat Kulak - Saturday, 17 May 2008, 04:59 PM

Hello all

I wonder Greek idioms and proverbs. Does anybody know where I can find Greek idioms and proverbs on internet? Or, if anybody knows any Greek idioms and proverbs, can you write to me with Greek alphabet.

Best regards.

Picture of Guest User
Re: Greek idioms and proverbs
by Guest User - Wednesday, 28 May 2008, 08:55 AM
  hi! I have a Greek book with idioms. I'll find it and write a few.wink
Picture of Guest User
Re: Greek idioms and proverbs
by Guest User - Thursday, 29 May 2008, 08:44 PM
  here are two books that might help you:

Greek Proverbs
Greek Philosophy "Writen in Stone"

Picture of TImon Rossolimos
Re: Greek idioms and proverbs
by TImon Rossolimos - Saturday, 5 March 2016, 02:34 AM
  I'm sure this website has almost 95% of all commonly used idioms...

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