δεν is the negativizer used with verbs in the indicative mood: δεν είμαι = I am not δεν καταλαβαίνω = I don't [do not] understand Δεν έγραψα εκείνο το γράμμα. = I didn't [did not] write that letter. Δεν θα πάω. = I won't [will not] go.
Otherwise, όχι is used as the negativizer for adjectives, adverbs, nouns, or other parts of speech, as well as by itself to mean "No": όχι πολύ = not very όχι τώρα = not now όχι εδώ = not here όχι πράσινο, αλλά κόκκινο = not green but red Όχι, Κυρία. = No, Ma'am.
Regards, Greg Brush