You're right, the adverb of time ήδη, "already", is not used or introduced in LGO. Remember, however, that LGO is a basic introduction to spoken Modern Greek and is based on the lessons orιginally written about 45 years ago for CyBC radio broadcasts. As such, the scripts for the Audio Lessons were constrained by broadcast time requirements, and thus unfortunately do not include everything that one might like to have in such a course.
As an example, in addition to a few other adverbs of time or place, there are a number of common conjunctions (for example, the causative conjunction επειδή, "since, because, in so far as") and semi-formal pronouns (for example, the inflected indefinite pronoun οποιοσδήποτε, "whoever") which the course does not mention and which are seen on a daily basis in the somewhat formal writing style of contemporary newspapers.
Regards, Greg Brush |