Picture of Yiannis Koniaris
Discuss on Skype with a native Greek man.
by Yiannis Koniaris - Tuesday, 24 December 2013, 02:13 AM
  Hello folks,

If you want to discuss with me on Skype in Greek then send a private message giving your alias. I do not want to post in public my Skype account to avoid trolls, spammers who read the thread as guests.
I am glad to help you as much as possible. On the other hand, I am trying to improve my rusty English big grin thus all English spoken people are highly welcome.
If you want to ask me something by posting here, let me know.
Picture of Blake More
Re: Discuss on Skype with a native Greek man.
by Blake More - Tuesday, 24 December 2013, 07:58 PM

Yeah, Man.

This would be great and I really need it. I listen to Greek satellite radio every day but I am not doing so well at understanding. Just tell me how to proceed and I will do it.


Picture of Yiannis Koniaris
Well the site
by Yiannis Koniaris - Wednesday, 25 December 2013, 02:21 AM
  does not support PM features. Or am I wrong? mixed
Anyway, send your Skype alias at seankoniaris@yahoo.gr and I will add you immediately. Add a reference More to understand you (I explained the reason above).

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