- English "I study" -
μαθαίνω (L25) means "learn", often in the context of school or academic study. It is also used in the sense of "teach" someone (how to do something): Μαθαίνω ελληνικά στο Ινστιτούτο Ξένων Γλωσσών. = I'm learning ["studying"] Greek at the Institute of Foreign Languages. Μαθαίνω στη Μπρέντα να μαγειρέψει σουβλάκια. = I'm teaching Brenda how to cook souvlaki.
μελετώ/-άω (L64) means "study" in the sense of "examine", "investigate", "look deeply into (something)". For example, an investigative body μελετάει what caused an accident; the police μελετάει whether a crime has been committed and who may be responsible; the government μελετάει an incident that concerns national security or foreign policy: Το πυροσβεστικό μελετά τις αιτίες της φωτιάς. = The Fire Department is investigating ["studying"] the cause of the fire.
Hope this helps,
Greg Brush
[originally posted Thursday, 26 April 2018, 09:07 AM] |