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Forgotten your username or password?

If your username has a non alphanumeric character (e.g. dot, space etc) in it then you do need to contact us to help you login as login in with such usernames is not anymore possible:

Is this your first time here?

Hi! These courses are free of charge. But for full access to courses you'll need to take a minute to create a new account for yourself on this web site. Each of the individual courses may also have a one-time "enrolment key", which you won't need until later. Here are the steps:
  1. Fill out the New Account form with your details.
  2. An email will be immediately sent to your email address. Make sure to check whether the email accidentally ends in your spam folder.
  3. Read your email, and click on the web link it contains.
  4. Your account will be confirmed and you will be logged in.
  5. Now, select the course you want to participate in.
  6. If you are prompted for an "enrolment key" - use the one that your teacher has given you. This will "enrol" you in the course.
  7. You can now access the full course. From now on you will only need to enter your personal username and password (in the form on this page) to log in and access any course you have enrolled in.

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