I dont' forget, I Strive and  I Claim, Return to a Free Dhavlos Village

The DHAVLOS Home Page

This page is intended to provide information about Dhavlos in multimedia form.

The audio and video  clips in this page are in Real Audio and Real Video G2 format.

You will need Real Player G2 or later in order to be able to play back these audio/video clips.

To download and install the latest version of Real Player please follow this link

Video Clips related to Dhavlos

The clips were encoded for a 256K DSL connection. By pressing on the links below, the entire video clip will be downloaded to your computer before you will be able to see it with Real Player. This will enable users with slow connections to get an acceptable picture quality. Please be patient while the clip is downloading.

Note: If you wish to save the video on your hard disk then do right mouse click on the link and select "Save destination as..."

Description Date Duration Size
Dhavlos village (CyBC - H Kypros konta sas) 1986 6 min 19 sec 10.621 KB
Kantara Castle (CYBC - H Kypros konta sas) 2001 5 min 46 sec 9.806 KB
The looted Ayios Georghios church 1994 5 min 47 sec 9.947 KB
Dhavlos (CyBC - various clips - I dont' forget) 1986 3 min 50 sec 6.606 KB
Dhavlos (CyBC - video with music only) 1986 2 min 12 sec 3.721 KB


Radio program "Den Ksechno" ( "I dont forget") of the Cybc First Radio Program transmitted on the 25th of August 2001. Presentation by Mr. Costas Michaelides (Cybc), with the participation of Miss Eva Georghiou and Mr. Christakis Christofi both from Dhavlos. This audio program was encoded in Real Audio Format. By pressing on the link above, the entire audio file will be downloaded to your computer before you will be able to play it back with Real Player. Please be patient while the radio program is downloading to your computer. Duration 24 min  and 42 sec. File size 5.960 KB.