1974 Turkish Invasion
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The days of pain and destruction for all of us to remember.

Ayios Epiktitos has been occupied by Turkish troops since July 27 1974. It is one of the first villages that have been captured and are still  under Turkish Military occupation in the Kyrenia district after the Turkish troops invaded the island July 20 1974. Ayios Epiktitos was captured during a  period of cease-fire. (UN Security Council Resolution No. 353 Jul/20/1974)
Greek-Cypriot Nicholas Yiannis Sieritis, a peaceful 59 year old, farmer-coffee shop owner-butcher. Father of 7 children (5 daughters and two sons) from Agios Epiktitos, Kyrenia district, Cyprus and well-respected, law-obiding citizen. Murdered by the Turkish Army on 27 July 1974. The murder was committed in cold blood, and after Nicholas Yiannis Sieritis, (who was civilian and unarmed) was arrested by Turkish soldiers.  Turkish soldiers isolated him in an agricultural area with carob trees east of Agios Epiktitos village, near the house of Antreas Gregoriou (Ittos). They then proceeded in murdering him by shooting him with fire arms. Subsequently, and after the murder was committed, they forced another villager of Agios Epiktitos village, named Theodoulis, to dig up a grave and to bury him at the spot where the murder was committed.
Nicholas Yiannis Sieritis from Agios Epiktitos village, was one of the many thousands of Greek Cypriots that fell victims of the ruthless STATE TERROR inflicted by the Turkish barbaric military machine against Cyprus. Our message to the Turkish oppressors is that WE WILL NEVER FORGET their crimes and atrocities against Hellenism and Humanity. Their crimes will never be forgotten or let go unpunished. We will ALWAYS STRUGGLE to RETURN BACK TO AGIOS EPIKTITOS OUR VILLAGE, AND TO RE-UNIFY CYPRUS. This is the least we can struggle and fight for, not just because we are the LEGAL owners and LEGAL inhabitants of Ayios Epiktitos. Agios Epiktitos is where our murdered parents are buried, it is the place of our origin, of our customs, of our culture, of our history. Agios Epiktitos is the place where our identity exists!

Detail Map of the 1974 Turkish Invasion against Cyprus. Click map to enlarge.

Click here for map details and explanatory notes.

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Mainly British tourists are being evacuated from the Kyrenia district by the British military bases troops during the Turkish invasion July 20, 1974 against Cyprus. These measures were taken for all foreigners for their protection. At the same time the Greek Cypriot population was left totally unprotected and suffered paramount losses as a result of the Turkish military invasion against Cyprus.

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Last updated: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 14:52:51 -0700 Pacific Time