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Welcome to the
home page for Ayios Epiktitos, a village in Cyprus under Turkish
Military Occupation since July 1974. |
«Πάτερ παμμάκαρ
Έπίκτητε, τήν σέ τιμώσαν φαιδρώς,νήσον
Κύπρον διάσωζε, πάσης περιστάσεως, τή
θερμή προστασία σου... |
...και εξαιρέτως
ταύτην τήν χώραν σου σεμνυνομένην τώ σώ
όνόματι, σκέπε έκάστοτε καί χορήγει
πάντοτε ταύτη, σοφέ, τά τής ευλογίας σου
θεία δωρήματα. » |

This page is intended to provide information about Ayios Epiktitos, an
occupied village of Kyrenia district in CYPRUS since 1974 by barbarian Turkish
The page is dedicated to all people who were killed
by Turkish troops, or are
missing due to the Turkish invasion, and it is a promise to
them that we will return!
We promise that we will keep their memory and the memory of Ayios Epiktitos
alive, and that our thoughts and concerns are towards freeing our ancestors

Click on the map to see enlarged the pin-point location of Agios Epiktitos.
Unless there is a just solution to the Cyprus problem
that will guarantee our return to Ayios Epiktitos, our village, we will always
struggle for return. With the help of God, and Saint Epiktitos, our village's
protector and founder, one day we will return back to a FREE AYIOS EPIKTITOS,
The Turkish army has forced us out from our homes with the
use of brutal military power.
The Turkish army has forced us out and away from our land and made us refugees
in our own country.
Turkish Cypriots and Turks are now living in our houses.
People from Ayios Epiktitos were never a threat to nobody.
We used to live in Ayios Epiktitos with Turkish Cypriots in peace until 1974.
The Turkish army invaded Cyprus and forced us out and denies access to our
beloved village since then.
We mourn, but then our mourning became anger. We never
forget our land, our history and our identity. We never forget, and we will
always have in our hearts, and in our thoughts the terrible injustice done to us
by the Turkish army. We want Turkish opressors to know that we will never accept
a solution that will not guarantee our return to Ayios Epiktitos.
The "Lavaro" of
Ayios Epiktitos which symbolizes our struggle for freedom is always
present in every occasion, and every demonstration.
We protest against the
Turkish invasion, and illegal occupation of Ayios Epiktitos and of 37% of
Cyprus by Turkish military forces since 1974.
We struggle for the safe return of all refugees
to their ancestors' lands, and for finding evidence for the fortunes of
1619* Greek-Cypriots reported missing after
the 1974 Turkish invasion.
We will march back to the FREE Ayios Epiktitos
with it.
This webpage was created by
Christos A. Neophytou.
This webpage is currently being maintained by Thanos A. Neophytou, Manolis
Hadjimanolis, Antonis Chr. Neophytou and Christos A. Neophytou.
The Bishop of Kyrenia Pavlos (Paul) is
always present in the demonstrations made by the people of Ayios
He performed the initiation liturgy in the new
church of Ayios Epiktitos at Moni Limassol on Sunday, July 25th 1999 at
04:00am +0200 GMT.
The new church of Ayios Epiktitos is serviced
every first Sunday of every month. |
The finished interior of
the new church of Ayios Epiktitos at Moni Limassol.
The church of Ayios Epiktitos at Moni is a
replica of the church of Ayios Epiktitos in our - military-occupied-,
village in Kyrenia.
The new church of Ayios Epiktitos is serviced
every first Sunday of every month. |
The number of the missing persons has been recently reduced to 1588 after the
discovery of the remains of some missing persons, and using DNA identification
methods. Click
here for more information.

Click on the map to see Agios Epiktitos in Kyrenia
district CYPRUS.
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Copyright Roswell Computing Ltd 1998-2004.
For problems, or questions regarding this web site contact
Thanasis A. Neophytou, or Manolis
For technical issues please contact
Christos A. Neophytou.
Last updated:
Tuesday, May 18, 2004 14:52:51 -0700 Pacific Time