Name District
Distance from Nearest Towns
AcheritouAmmochostos258 klm W of Ammochostos
AchnaAmmochostos-17 klm SW of Ammochostos
AfanteiaAmmochostos6033 klm W of Ammochostos33 klm E of Lefkosia
Agia EiriniKeryneia5533 klm W of keryneia33 klm N of Morfou
Agia MarinaLefkosia25023 klm W of Lefkosia23 klm E of Morfou
Agia TriasAmmochostos (Karpasia)14053 klm SE of Ammochostos
Agios AmvrosiosKeryneia16023 klm E of keryneia
Agios AndronikosAmmochostos18026 klm N of Ammochostos
Agios AndronikosAmmochostos (Karpasia)11548 klm SE of Ammochostos
Agios CharitonAmmochostos32038 klm SW of Ammochostos38 klm E of keryneia
Agios EfstathiosAmmochostos (Karpasia)5530 klm N of Ammochostos
Agios EpiktitosKeryneia756 klm E of keryneia
Agios ErmolaosKeryneia25015 klm SW of keryneia
Agios GeorgiosAmmochostos2018 klm SW of Ammochostos
Agios GeorgiosKeryneia155 klm W of keryneia
Agios GeorgiosLefkosia19044 klm W of Lefkosia44 klm SW of Morfou
Agios IakovosAmmochostos16026 klm SW of Ammochostos
Agios IliasAmmochostos (Karpasia)3024 klm N of Ammochostos
Agios NikolaosAmmochostos32034 klm SW of Ammochostos34 klm E of keryneia
Agios SergiosAmmochostos1011 klm SW of Ammochostos
Agios SymeonAmmochostos (Karpasia)19048 klm SE of Ammochostos
Agios TheodorosAmmochostos (Karpasia)4029 klm N of Ammochostos
Agios VasileiosLefkosia16018 klm W of Lefkosia18 klm E of Morfou
AgirdaKeryneia3606 klm SW of keryneia
AgridakiKeryneia45016 klm W of keryneia
AgiaLefkosia10019 klm E of Lefkosia
Aigialousa (Gialousa)Ammochostos (Karpasia)12051 klm SE of Ammochostos
AkanthouAmmochostos20034 klm SW of Ammochostos
Aloda (Aloa)Ammochostos2515 klm SW of Ammochostos
AmmadiesLefkosia18059 klm W of Lefkosia59 klm W of Morfou

AmpelikouLefkosia17051 klm W of Lefkosia51 klm SW of Morfou
AngastinaAmmochostos7034 klm W of Ammochostos34 klm E of Lefkosia
AngolemiLefkosia13538 klm W of Lefkosia38 klm SW of Morfou
ArdanaAmmochostos22028 klm N of Ammochostos
ArgakiLefkosia10330 klm W of Lefkosia30 klm SE of Morfou
ArnadiAmmochostos-15 klm SW of Ammochostos
ArsosLarnaka8024 klm E of Lefkosia
ArtemiAmmochostos-31 klm SW of Ammochostos
Askeia (Assia)Ammochostos6031 klm W of Ammochostos31 klm E of Lefkosia
AsomatosKeryneia21021 klm W of keryneia21 klm SE of Morfou
AvgolidaAmmochostos (Karpasia)-27 klm N of Ammochostos
AvlonaLefkosia16024 klm W of Lefkosia24 klm E of Morfou
Beikioi (Bey Koy)Lefkosia-14 klm SE of Lefkosia
BelapaisKeryneia-4 klm SE of keryneia
BogaziAmmochostos (Karpasia)-22 klm N of Ammochostos
Charkeia (Chartsia)Keryneia-21 klm E of keryneia
ChrysiliouLefkosia-32 klm W of Lefkosia32 klm SE of Morfou
Davlos and KantaraAmmochostos7034 klm N of Ammochostos
DioriosKeryneia30025 klm W of keryneia25 klm SE of Morfou
Dyo PotamoiLefkosia15026 klm W of Lefkosia26 klm SE of Morfou
EgkomiAmmochostos-8 klm SW of Ammochostos
EliaKeryneia12510 klm W of keryneia
EliaLefkosia10041 klm W of Lefkosia41 klm SW of Morfou
EpichoLefkosia10514 klm SE of Lefkosia
Eptakomi (Eptagkomi)Ammochostos (Karpasia)15038 klm N of Ammochostos
Exo MetochiLefkosia8515 klm E of Lefkosia
FlamoudiAmmochostos-32 klm N of Ammochostos
FotaKeryneia-12 klm SW of keryneia
FterichaKeryneia-9 klm W of keryneia
FylliaLefkosia-25 klm W of Lefkosia25 klm E of Morfou
GaidourasAmmochostos2016 klm W of Ammochostos
GalateiaAmmochostos (Karpasia)9836 klm N of Ammochostos
GaliniLefkosia25055 klm W of Lefkosia55 klm W of Morfou
GalinoporniAmmochostos (Karpasia)10055 klm SE of Ammochostos
GastriaAmmochostos (Karpasia)3025 klm N of Ammochostos
GenagraAmmochostos-25 klm SW of Ammochostos
GeraniAmmochostos (Karpasia)11227 klm N of Ammochostos
GerolakkosLefkosia17010 klm W of Lefkosia
GoufesAmmochostos10030 klm SW of Ammochostos
GypsouAmmochostos5522 klm SW of Ammochostos
Kalo ChorioLefkosia12546 klm W of Lefkosia46 klm SW of Morfou
KalograiaKeryneia14028 klm E of keryneia
KalopsidaAmmochostos2014 klm W of Ammochostos
KalyvakiaLefkosia19019 klm SE of Lefkosia
KampyliKeryneia25020 klm W of keryneia20 klm SE of Morfou
KanliLefkosia16011 klm SW of Lefkosia
KapoutiLefkosia15031 klm W of Lefkosia31 klm SE of Morfou
KarakoumiKeryneia152 klm E of keryneia
KaravasKeryneia7012 klm W of keryneia
Karavostasi and XerosLefkosia550 klm W of Lefkosia50 klm SW of Morfou
KarmiKeryneia3208 klm SW of keryneia
KarpaseiaKeryneia28523 klm W of keryneia23 klm SE of Morfou
Kato DikomoKeryneia-8 klm S of keryneia
Kato ZodeiaLefkosia9033 klm W of Lefkosia33 klm S of Morfou
KatokopiaLefkosia12529 klm W of Lefkosia29 klm SE of Morfou
KazafaniKeryneia804 klm SE of keryneia
KaziveraLefkosia-41 klm W of Lefkosia41 klm SW of Morfou

KiadosAmmochostos-35 klm SW of Ammochostos35 klm E of Lefkosia
Kiomourtzou (Komurcu)Keryneia-8 klm SW of keryneia
Kioneli (Gonyeli)Lefkosia1458 klm SW of Lefkosia
KlepiniKeryneia22010 klm E of keryneia
KnodaraAmmochostos8031 klm SW of Ammochostos31 klm E of Lefkosia
KoilanemosAmmochostos (Karpasia)11045 klm N of Ammochostos
KokkinaLefkosia2069 klm W of Lefkosia69 klm W of Morfou
Koma tou GialouAmmochostos (Karpasia)3538 klm SE of Ammochostos
Komi (Komi Kepir)Ammochostos (Karpasia)9033 klm N of Ammochostos
KonteaAmmochostos4521 klm W of Ammochostos
KontemenosKeryneia22019 klm W of keryneia19 klm SE of Morfou
KormakitisKeryneia19029 klm W of keryneia29 klm N of Morfou
KornokiposAmmochostos28038 klm SW of Ammochostos38 klm E of Lefkosia
KoroveiaAmmochostos (Karpasia)9053 klm SE of Ammochostos
KoukliaAmmochostos3018 klm W of Ammochostos
Kourou MonastiriLefkosia9218 klm E of Lefkosia
KoutsoventisKeryneia32012 klm SE of keryneia12 klm E of Lefkosia
KrideiaAmmochostos (Karpasia)10031 klm N of Ammochostos
KriniKeryneia3509 klm SW of keryneia
KyraLefkosia10028 klm W of Lefkosia28 klm E of Morfou
Kythrea and ChrysidaLefkosia16013 klm SE of Lefkosia
LapathosAmmochostos4520 klm SW of Ammochostos
LapithosKeryneia-13 klm W of keryneia
Larnakas tis LapithouKeryneia30017 klm W of keryneia
LefkaLefkosia14048 klm W of Lefkosia48 klm SW of Morfou
LefkonoikoAmmochostos-26 klm SW of Ammochostos

LivadiaAmmochostos (Karpasia)5033 klm N of Ammochostos
LeonarissoAmmochostos (Karpasia)14043 klm SE of Ammochostos
LimniaAmmochostos1512 klm SW of Ammochostos
LimnitisLefkosia2061 klm W of Lefkosia61 klm SW of Morfou
LiveraKeryneia6034 klm W of keryneia34 klm N of Morfou
LouroukinaLefkosia24020 klm SE of Lefkosia
LoutrosLefkosia26057 klm W of Lefkosia57 klm W of Morfou
LysiAmmochostos5524 klm W of Ammochostos
LythragkomiAmmochostos (Karpasia)15045 klm SE of Ammochostos
MakrasykaAmmochostos5018 klm W of Ammochostos
MandresAmmochostos30030 klm SW of Ammochostos
MandresLefkosia-5 klm N of Lefkosia
MarathaAmmochostos-19 klm SW of Ammochostos
MarathovounosAmmochostos6532 klm W of Ammochostos32 klm E of Lefkosia
MasariLefkosia13027 klm W of Lefkosia27 klm E of Morfou
MelanargaAmmochostos (Karpasia)20049 klm SE of Ammochostos
MelountaAmmochostos-34 klm SW of Ammochostos34 klm E of keryneia
MelouseiaLarnaka-22 klm SE of Lefkosia
Mia MiliaLefkosia-6 klm SE of Lefkosia
MiliaAmmochostos-21 klm SW of Ammochostos
MonargaAmmochostos (Karpasia)-22 klm N of Ammochostos
MoraLefkosia-17 klm E of Lefkosia
MorfouLefkosia-34 klm W of Lefkosia
MotidesKeryneia-11 klm W of keryneia
MousoulitaAmmochostos-29 klm W of Ammochostos29 klm E of Lefkosia
MyrtouKeryneia-24 klm W of keryneia24 klm SE of Morfou
Neo ChorioLefkosia-12 klm SE of Lefkosia
NetaAmmochostos (Karpasia)-47 klm SE of Ammochostos
NikitasLefkosia-37 klm W of Lefkosia37 klm SW of Morfou
OrgaKeryneia-27 klm W of keryneia27 klm N of Morfou
OrnithiAmmochostos-35 klm W of Ammochostos35 klm E of Lefkosia
Ortakioi (Orta Koy)Lefkosia-4 klm SW of Lefkosia
OvgorosAmmochostos (Karpasia)-28 klm N of Ammochostos
PalaikythroLefkosia-13 klm E of Lefkosia
PalaiosofosKeryneia-11 klm W of keryneia
PanagraKeryneia-23 klm W of keryneia23 klm SE of Morfou
Pano DikomoKeryneia-7 klm S of keryneia
Pano ZodeiaLefkosia10032 klm W of Lefkosia32 klm SE of Morfou
PatrikiAmmochostos (Karpasia)-28 klm N of Ammochostos
PentageiaLefkosia-45 klm W of Lefkosia45 klm SW of Morfou
PeristeronaAmmochostos-21 klm SW of Ammochostos
PeristeronariLefkosia-46 klm W of Lefkosia46 klm SW of Morfou
PerivoliaAmmochostos-19 klm N of Ammochostos
PetraLefkosia-43 klm W of Lefkosia43 klm SW of Morfou
Petra tou DigeniLefkosia-17 klm SE of Lefkosia
PigiAmmochostos-21 klm SW of Ammochostos
PileriKeryneia-11 klm SW of keryneia
PlataniAmmochostos-30 klm SW of Ammochostos
PlatanissosAmmochostos (Karpasia)-42 klm N of Ammochostos
Potamos tou KampouLefkosia-51 klm W of Lefkosia51 klm W of Morfou
PrastioAmmochostos-19 klm W of Ammochostos
PrastioLefkosia-39 klm W of Lefkosia39 klm SW of Morfou
PsyllatosAmmochostos-28 klm SW of Ammochostos
PyrgaAmmochostos-21 klm W of Ammochostos
PyrogiLefkosia-16 klm SE of Lefkosia
RizokarpasoAmmochostos (Karpasia)-67 klm SE of Ammochostos
SantalarisAmmochostos-18 klm SW of Ammochostos
SichariKeryneia-8 klm SE of keryneia
SintaAmmochostos-23 klm W of Ammochostos
SkyllouraLefkosia-19 klm W of Lefkosia19 klm E of Morfou
SpatharikoAmmochostos-15 klm SW of Ammochostos
StrongylosAmmochostos-28 klm W of Ammochostos28 klm E of Lefkosia
StylloiAmmochostos-13 klm SW of Ammochostos
SygkrasiAmmochostos-19 klm SW of Ammochostos
SyrianochoriLefkosia-39 klm W of Lefkosia39 klm SW of Morfou
SyskliposKeryneia-15 klm W of keryneia
TavrouAmmochostos (Karpasia)-33 klm N of Ammochostos
TemplosKeryneia-3 klm W of keryneia
ThermeiaKeryneia501 klm SE of keryneia
TrachoniLefkosia-12 klm SE of Lefkosia
TrapezaKeryneia-13 klm E of keryneia
Tremetousia (Tremethousia)Larnaka-24 klm SE of Lefkosia
TrikomoAmmochostos-20 klm N of Ammochostos
TrimithiKeryneia-6 klm W of keryneia
TrypimeniAmmochostos-36 klm SW of Ammochostos36 klm E of keryneia
TymvouLefkosia-14 klm E of Lefkosia
VariseiaLefkosia-56 klm W of Lefkosia23 klm W of Morfou
Vasileia and VavylasKeryneia-18 klm W of keryneia
VasiliAmmochostos (Karpasia)13044 klm SE of Ammochostos
VatiliAmmochostos5527 klm W of Ammochostos27 klm E of Lefkosia
VitsadaAmmochostos6031 klm SW of Ammochostos31 klm E of Lefkosia
VokolidaAmmochostos (Karpasia)2031 klm N of Ammochostos
VoniLefkosia11013 klm SE of Lefkosia
VothylakasAmmochostos (Karpasia)-46 klm SE of Ammochostos
VounoKeryneia3809 klm SE of keryneia
XerovounosLefkosia-58 klm W of Lefkosia58 klm W of Morfou

Available Tables for all occupied communities: General Table - Pre-war and Post-war Population of Occupied Communities - Location of Occupied Communities - Occupied Churches - Occupied Greek Schools - Index to map of District/Region