(Thymus integer)
A gnarled aromatic perennial cushion-like subshrub. Leaves
stalk-less, linear with long white hairs. The flower-head, a small
terminal spike of pink tubular flowers, appears between March and June.
The whole plant is less than 10cm high.
This endemic species is common on the Troodos range and in the
Akamas area growing on rocky hillsides, in cultivated land and under
pine trees on igneous formations from 300 ft to 5000 ft.
Uses and Properties
Like T.capitatus, T.integer is a good honey yielding
plant, rich in the ethereal oil thymol. Its medicinal properties are thus
similar to those of T.capitatus. Infusions from this plant can be used as
anti-pyretics and in cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. Thymol is a
good antiseptic and bactericide.