Gerard VALK et Petrus SCHENK , "Cyprus Insula" (380x500mm) , Amsterdam ca 1705 . Coloured . |
Janssonius was not the only cartographer guilty of copying maps by great cartographical publishers , like Blaeu . The cartographical house of Valk and Schenk , having obtained after 1676 copper-plates from Joannes Janssonius' heirs , worked the Cyprus plate . This had been made by Janssonius in 1637 when he copied Blaeu's original (Fig. 37) of 1635 . In this manner Nocosia seems to have been corrected to Nicosia but it is still uncertain when the map was first published by Valk and Schenk in this second , amended state . In any case , it is found in a collection of maps published ca 1705 in Amsterdam . It is a handsome map to look at , but of no cartographical importance . |