'During the previous year there had been a great rising of the Turks against the Dragoman . They gained possession of the city of Nicosia and behaved atrociously to the Archbishop and other Greeks ; they even killed those who refused to give them money . The Dragoman fled to Constantinople , where he not only proved the Greeks to be right , but obtained an order for a Pasha with some Caramanian soldiers to march against the rebels who had entrenched themselves in Nicosia . In this critical situation the steward was the guardian angel of his community , such talent and tact did he show in turning aside the fury of the rebels . After several fights these opened negotiations with the Pasha , who accepting the mediation of some European Consuls gave his word that he would punish no one ... The rebels opened the gates , and as soon as the Pasha was within , regardless of his promise he caused several of them to be beheaded . This event has humiliated the Turks , and given the Greeks a certain air of boldness and even independence . The Dragoman was still at Constantinople , but though I could not make his personal acquaintance I saw from his works that he was a man of tact and intelligence .' |
Ali Bey (Don Domingo Badia - y - Leyblich) Travels of Ali Bey (1806) |