'The island is the prey of two terrible scourges. One is the multitude of vipers, or serpents about two or three feet long, whose bite is said to be mortal. What proves that it is not always so is the boast of certain quacks that they can cure it with prayers, amulets and superstitious rites, to which a few successes give some measure of credit. The number of these reptiles obliges the natives of all ages and classes, even the poorest, to wear boots always. I saw several of these snakes, they move very slowly. Another plague is the locusts, which increase year by year in a fearful manner, yet no one makes the slightest effort to destroy them - an extremely easy matter. I sent a memorandum on this matter to the Archbishop of Cyprus, which he acknowledged in a most flattering letter. Ali Bey (Don Domingo Badia -y- Leyblich) Travels of Ali Bey (1806) |
'Lefkara, where there is a fragment of the Cross, which exhales a strange yet unspeakably pleasant odour, and works many miracles for its devout worshippers.' Constantius, Archbishop of Sinai A Pleasant and brief Cypriad (1766) |