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Cyprus Youth Council for
International Cooperation
[INLINE] | Cyprus Youth Council for International Co-operation, was established in December 1996
and immediately applied for membership to the European Youth Forum. |
[INLINE] | CYCIC First General Assembly took place in Nicosia, on January 31 and February
1,1997. |
[INLINE] | CYCIC became Candidate MEMBER of the EUROPEAN YOUTH FORUM in October 1997 . |
Cyprus Youth Council for International Co-operation (CYCIC) is a
voluntary,non profit association open to the youth organizations of Cyprus. It is guided
in its actions by the principles described in the Constitution of the UN and the European
Convention of Human rights.
CYCIC conceives and implements projects, within the framework of the will to
further cooperation between the Cypriot and the Youth of the rest of Europe. It acts as
the representative coordinating organ of the Youth organizations of Cypriot Youth at the
European and other International fora.
CYCIC aims are:
- to encourage co-operation among young people in Cyprus and other Countries,
- to promote communication among its member organizations and other bodies,
particularly other youth organizations on European level,
- to provide a representative framework for its member organizations to develop
initiatives and implement projects to further co-operation with other European youth,
- to assist young people in Cyprus in the development of a European consciousness based on
mutual respect and understanding through
the awareness of the differing traditions of (European) culture ,
- to enforce the efforts to achieve respect of Human rights and secure the basic freedoms
and rights all over Cyprus.
To achieve these Aims, CYCIC shall:
- collect, study and disseminate information on social and political questions of Youth
concern particularly on European level, to its member organizations,
- organize the exchange of experiences and ideas through conferences, seminars,
youth exchange programs and contacts with other coordinating bodies of youth organizations
in European Countries,
- coordinate in Cyprus the implementation of projects and programs undertaken as a result
of its participation in European or other international bodies and fora,
- co-operate with other European coordinating youth structures, European Institutions
Governmental or non-Governmental and other bodies,
- undertake other appropriate activities.
41, Th. Dervi Str.,
Office 106
CY-1066 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel. +357 9 623313 Fax + 357 2 673523
E-mail: CYCIC <CYCIC@CyprusYouthBoard.org>
or fill our feedback form.