Statement by the Representative of Cyprus
Ambassador Constantine Moushoutas
at the Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly
on Agenda Item 170:

Cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe


October 20, 2000

Mr. President

We have asked to add our voice to the subject “Cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe” because like many other states we are members of both organizations and well aware of the lofty principles and high ideals they both serve. What is more, this is the first time this item is debated in the General Assembly of the United Nations. Of course, we would also like to express our appreciation to the Italian delegation for undertaking the initiative for the inscription, allocation and presentation of the item in Plenary.

The United Nations and the Council of Europe share too many common goals, and therefore, closer cooperation and coordination between them would render both more vital players on crucial issues such as human rights and basic freedoms.

The fields of cooperation between the two are too numerous to repeat. The draft resolution, to which we are cosponsors, makes reference to the most striking examples of cooperation such as issues of international law, development, women’s rights, racism and intolerance, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, refugees and the list goes on.  

There is no doubt in our minds that both organizations will be benefited by this cooperation, especially in the areas of common endeavours, with mankind the ultimate main beneficiary. We therefore wholeheartedly support this cooperation.

Cyprus, over the years of its membership in the Council of Europe witnessed the constructive contribution of this Organization to human rights and international law. In the case of the problem of Cyprus, the role of the Council of Europe has been very constructive and to this regard, we take the opportunity to express through Mr. Schwimmer, the Secretary-General of the Council who is among us today,  our deep appreciation.

Thank you, Mr. President.  

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