by H.E. the
Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus
Mr. Andreas D. Mavroyiannis
to the Third Committee
at the 58th Session of the General Assembly
agenda item 117(b):
"Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the
effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"
New York, 17 November 2003
Thank you Mr. Chairman,
As this is the first time that my delegation takes
the floor, I would like to express to you and to the members of the bureau our
congratulations on your election and for the excellent way you are steering our
work. I would also like to express appreciation to the Secretary-General for the
numerous reports that we have before us, which cover a wide area of human rights
Following the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
the international community, with the United Nations system placed at the center
of its efforts, managed to shape a strong, universal legal framework for human
rights, which we should be committed to respect. Commitment to human rights,
however, goes beyond accepting conventions and even beyond ensuring compliance
with a set of legal obligations. It requires the unconditional integration of
human rights into all aspects of life and human relations at a national,
supranational and international level. The
shared vision of a just and peaceful world can only become a reality if our
aspirations and commitments are turned into individual, as well as collective,
Regrettably, despite the impressive progress made so
far in this field, violations of human rights continue to take place in all
regions of the world, debasing human dignity and life and the values we all seek
to live by as an international community. All kinds of discrimination, violence,
terrorism and conflicts by definition negate human rights and endlessly
reproduce the vicious circle of instability, underdevelopment and inequality.
Extreme poverty, pandemics and social injustice should not be considered as less
significant or pressing challenges directly or indirectly affecting us all.
While authoritarian regimes and other powers continue to oppress
individuals, groups and/or peoples, suppress freedoms and liberties and cause
suffering and despair, we should also recognize that no country is entirely safe
from violations of human rights. We should therefore constantly be cautious and
continue to be building appropriate protection mechanisms and remedies at all
levels. Indeed, the human being himself, his inherent rights and dignity, are
unfortunately far from being in practice the primary and central value of human
civilization, throughout the world. It
remains, therefore, imperative to realize the important task that lies ahead,
work relentlessly in the right direction and always bear in mind that the impact
of the violations of human rights is universal and so must be our reaction.
Mr. Chairman,
Having suffered from grave violations of human
rights, as a result of a foreign invasion in 1974 and of the continuing
occupation of one third of its territory, Cyprus attaches great significance to
the protection and promotion of human rights, and therefore places the human
rights agenda among its top priorities. We vigilantly follow developments in the
area of human rights throughout the world, and remain committed to international
efforts to uphold and defend human rights where in danger. Simultaneously, the
Government works hard to incorporate a human rights aspect into all its
structures and institutions in the territory under its control in order to
ensure equal opportunities and promotion of the rights of all its citizens.
Acknowledging the difficulties faced by those
citizens who reside in the occupied areas, the Government of Cyprus has adopted
during the last months a generous package of measures, which will give them the
opportunity to enjoy the results of its human rights- based policies as well as
the benefits of the accession of Cyprus to the European Union.
Unfortunately, the occupation authorities not only prohibit Turkish
Cypriots from enjoying these benefits, but also in many occasions suppress their
freedom of speech and expression by threatening and intimidating those who dare
to challenge Turkey’s policy on Cyprus and support the idea of a reunited
Cyprus, free of occupation troops and member of the European Union.
Mr. Chairman,
My Government works hard in alleviating the traumatic
consequences of the grave violations of human rights caused by the Turkish
invasion and occupation. One of its main tasks is to intensify its efforts
towards establishing the fate of all missing persons, both Greek and Turkish
Cypriots. This is a major issue of a purely humanitarian nature and we rely
heavily on the support of the international community as a whole in order to put
an end, at last, to the continuing ordeal of so many people.
The positive reaction of many families, both Greek Cypriot and Turkish
Cypriot, to the Government’s call for cooperation gave a new impetus to this
bold step forward. However this end cannot be fully achieved without the
cooperation and political will of the Government of Turkey.
The ongoing violations of the rights of the few
remaining enclaved persons in the occupied area of Cyprus are yet another issue
of primary concern for my Government. The living conditions of these people
continue to deteriorate while the occupying regime continues blatantly to refuse
the implementation of the 1975 Vienna III Agreement.
The partial easing of restrictions on movement across the shameful and
anachronistic dividing line maintained by the military might of the occupying
power, much publicized by the Turkish side, has not made life any easier for the
enclaved or their relatives. Suffice to mention that the occupation authorities
not only forbid the establishment of a secondary school, but also deny those
children, that were previously forced to move to the government controlled areas
in order to attend secondary education, the right to return permanently to their
homes and families when they finish their studies. This practice constitutes yet
another example of the long-standing Turkish policy of ethnic cleansing the
areas under its control. It should not be overlooked that during the last three
decades the Greek Cypriot population in that area, has dwindled down
from 20 thousand in 1975 to only four hundred.
The denial of the right to return applies also to
some hundred thousands refugees who, due to the Turkish invasion, were expelled
from their properties in 1974. After the partial lifting of restrictions of
movement by the occupation regime last April, refugees were able for the first
time in 29 years to see their houses and villages.
What the occupation authorities presented as a gesture of good will was
in reality yet another confirmation of their blatant violation of the people’s
inalienable right to their homes and properties. What the legal owners were able
to attest to, upon visiting their properties, is that foreigners, mostly brought
in from the Turkish mainland in an attempt to alter the demographic character of
the area, arbitrarily take advantage of their property. At the same time Turkey
refuses to comply with the relevant decisions of international judicial bodies
and to contribute constructively to the achievement of a settlement of the
Cyprus problem on the basis of respect for human rights and of the relevant
resolutions of the United Nations.
Mr. Chairman,
Although the protection of human rights is a primary
responsibility of the governments, the international community, headed by the
United Nations system, bear a major responsibility in monitoring human rights,
and in restoring them where violated. It is of paramount importance to be
vigilant on the international level and watch over using all appropriate
mechanisms. In cases where human rights and fundamental freedoms are violated,
the reaction of the international community is expected to be unconditional,
uncompromising and non negotiable-for no human suffering should go unnoticed, no
oppression should be tolerated and also on the other hand, no conflict or
dispute can be settled without taking into consideration human rights.
International peace and security must be found, beyond political and
geo-strategic considerations, also on respect for and restoration of human
rights. No settlement of disputes can survive and be the basis of mutual
understanding and cooperation unless all parties, and in particular the small
and weak, feel that their rights and dignity are fully ensured.
The settlement of the
Thank you Mr. Chairman.
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