October 7, 2002

Mr. President,

 The report before us, which under Charter provisions the Secretary-General is expected to submit yearly to the General Assembly, is relatively short, definitely shorter than that of last year, evidencing at first glance the determination of the Secretary-General to cut down on paper volume.  We do congratulate the Secretary-General for the preparation of the report. It is precise, easily readable and substantive.

We have noted the important changes which have taken place since 1997 and the resultant adaptation of the internal structure of the UN to the new challenges. The Millennium Declaration of two years ago, with its clear-cut priorities and time-bound goals, the improvements in the peacekeeping operations, the priorities set in combating and eradicating poverty and HIV/AIDS, the fruitful partnerships, all of these evidence a strong trend for a creative international organization worthy of the vision of its founding fathers and of the trust bestowed upon it by mankind.

We fully agree with the Secretary-General that the need for a multilateral institution has never been more acutely felt than it is today, and we pledge our unequivocal support to his efforts to strengthen the role of the UN. Strengthening the UN, the organization entrusted with the maintenance of international peace and security, has been the cornerstone of our foreign policy. We earnestly believe that our organization should have the necessary means, political and economic, so that, as the Secretary-General had said, will not let down those who placed their fate in it. It is high time, therefore, that the collective system of security, as provided by the UN Charter be implemented, and thus the work of the founding fathers be finally completed.

We agree with the Secretary-General that even more changes are needed, such as in the Security Council, the General Assembly, ECOSOC, the Department of Public Information and the creation of an Office for Global Compact, as well as the planning and servicing of meetings.

Enhancing public information through special UN programmes and meaningful messages, referred to in the Secretary-General’s report, will be especially useful also, in the task of strengthening the good relationship existing between the UN and the diplomatic personnel, and the citizens of the Host City and Country. The general UN membership and especially those related with the Committee on Relations with the Host Country would fully agree to this need. “The UN” states the report “has a compelling story to tell”. We echo this statement and express the hope that it may have the desired impact to the world at large and to our beloved host city of New York.

Mr. President,

We welcome the progress made in the transparency of the working methods of the Security Council and express the hope that the decade-old efforts of the Open-Ended Working Group in the increase of the membership of the Security Council, through  the search for an acceptable formula, in the substantive aspect, will be finally agreed upon. An enlarged Security Council is a more democratic one, and thus, more representative and effective.

We agree with the Secretary-General that the proliferation of meetings and official documents and reports are a source of problems for the general UN membership, especially the small delegations. Curtailment is therefore necessary in documentation and meetings. We support the rationalization of the agenda of the General Assembly, provided that the new agenda serve the interests and needs of the whole international community.

We also share the Secretary-General’s view that the road to a better future is that of cooperation and partnership among States, as well as the private and civic sectors, NGOs, institutions of learning and research, and others. The UN can guide these partnerships and unite their myriad efforts in pursuit of specific goals, such as those contained clearly and on the basis of priorities in the historic Millennium Summit Declaration. The idea of creating a partnership office to guide and channel all activities within UN principles seems to us necessary, especially since the implementation of the goals set by the Millennium Declaration on development, has, as the Secretary-General informed, fallen short in meeting its objectives. Corporations and the private sector in general, have much to contribute under the Compact for Partnership, and we welcome the appointment of an advisor in this domain.

What is of special concern, is the Secretary-General’s assessment, that on all of our broad objectives: human rights, democracy, good governance, the resolution of conflicts and the special needs of Africa, we are moving too slow. We owe it to ourselves and to the United Nations credibility, to move faster in implementing the Millennium Declarations we have made on these most important objectives.

Finally we stress also the need for more efficient human resources management and for flexibility in using the resources of the budget for priorities, within the goals of the United Nations.

Thank you, Mr. President.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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