The Cyprus Government Report Pursuant to U.N. Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001) on Terrorism 

January 9, 2002

The Cyprus Government pursuant to the guidelines of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 (2001) on the threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts, submitted on the 21st December, 2001 to the United Nations, its report regarding the measures it has undertaken for implementation of the resolution. In accordance with resolution 1373, all the member states of the United Nations have the obligation to respond to the questionnaire of the United Nations within three months, detailing their activities for the realization of the resolution. In its report, the Government of Cyprus underlines that it fully recognizes the existence and dimensions of international terrorism and adds that the fight against international crime will constitute one of the top priorities of Cyprus’ foreign policy. The report also stresses that the Cyprus government is fully committed to joining forces with all world governments on a bilateral and international level with the aim of eliminating the scourge of terrorism. This determination, it continues, has been explicitly expressed at the highest level of the Cyprus government with the assurance that all the necessary practical measures will be undertaken in line with all the relevant international resolutions and conventions, to which Cyprus is a party. 
