Statement by the Representative of Cyprus to the 6th Committee Ambassador Andreas Jacovides on  the U.N. Programme in Assistance in the Training, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law

November 9, 2001


Mr. Chairman, 

The purpose of my brief statement is to place on record our recognition of the value of the United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law, to express our deep appreciation for the efforts of the UN Secretariat (and in particular Mrs. Manouche Arsanjani), of UNITAR and UNESCO and to reaffirm our support for the Programme.

Allow me, Mr. Chairman, to recall that we have been among those who, recognizing the desirability and need for such a Programme, together with such legal luminaries and then members of the International Law Commission Codjo Dadzie and Abdul Tabibi took the initiative three and a half decades ago to establish it through General Assembly resolution 2099 (XX) in 1965. Cyprus has served on the Advisory Committee for the bulk of this period and we have endeavoured, in our very modest way, to contribute to its successful conduct as much as we could, including its inclusion under the UN Decade of International Law, of which it formed an important part. 

Having myself had first hand knowledge of how some parts of the Programme function, including lecturing twice at the Geneva International Law Seminar as a member of the International Law Commission and the Hague International Law Fellowship Programme conducted by UNITAR, among other such activities.

I am convinced of its great value for advanced students, law professors and government officials, primarily from developing countries, in updating and deepening their knowledge of developments in international law, in exchanging and sharing information and in familiarizing themselves with the legal work of the United Nations and its associated bodies. Of particular interest are also the Programme’s activities concerning the Law of the Sea and Ocean Affairs and these concerning Trade Law and the valuable work of UNCITRAL. 

Indeed all the activities of the Programme, as summarized in the Secretary-General’s report (A/56/484), deserve the support of Member States. We endorse the recommendations regarding the continuation of the Programme in the biennium 2002-2003 and we urge its full financial backing, both through the UN regular budget and through voluntary contributions by States. 

Additionally, in our view, the possibility should be seriously considered, explored and promoted of obtaining voluntary contributions from foundations, institutions and individuals who can be convinced of the utility and importance of the Programme, under the appropriate modalities. Much is contributed yearly for other worthy purposes. Why not also towards the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law, thereby contributing towards international legal order and the rule of law among nations? 

Finally, we shall be pleased to support the draft resolution just proposed by the Chairman of the Advisory Committee. 

Thank you Mr. Chairman.


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