Resolution adopted by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers
on the Titina Loizidou case
July 24, 2000

“Resolution DH (2000) 105 concerning the judgements of the European Court of Human Rights of 18 December 1996 and 28 July 1998 in the case of Loizidou against Turkey.

(Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 24 July 2000 at the 716th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies).

The Committee of Ministers, acting under the terms of Article 54 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”),

Deeply deploring the fact that, to date, Turkey has still not complied with its obligations under the judgement delivered by the European Court of Human Rights on 28 July 1998 in the case of Loizidou against Turkey;

Recalling its Interim Resolution DH (99) 680 of 6 October 1999, in which, interalia, the Committee of Ministers strongly urged Turkey to pay the just satisfaction awarded in this case so as to ensure that Turkey, as a High Contracting Party, meets its obligations under the Convention;

Recalling that, subsequently, the Chairman of the Committee of Ministers wrote to his Turkish counterpart recalling that, as for all Contracting Parties, Turkey’s obligation to abide by judgments of the Court is unconditional;

Stressing that Turkey has had ample time to fulfil in good faith in the present case its obligations;

Emphasises that the failure on the part of a High Contracting Party to comply with a judgment of the Court is unprecedented;

Declares that the refusal of Turkey to execute the judgment of the Court demonstrates a manifest disregard for its international obligations, both as a High Contracting Party to the Convention and as a member State of the Council of Europe;

In view of the gravity of the matter, strongly insists that Turkey comply fully and without any further delay with the European Court of Human Rights’ judgment of 28 July 1998.”

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