Cyprus condemns arson attempt
against the Hala Sultan Tekke
August 31, 1999
In the early hours of the 29th of August an arson attempt was made against the Hala Sultan Tekke in Larnaca. Slight damages were caused mainly on the shrine's tapestry.
All political parties together with the Archbishop of Cyprus Chrysostomos condemned the criminal act while President Clerides has ordered for a full investigation into the incident . In addition, the Minister of Justice and Public Affairs Nicos Koshis, upon visiting the shrine stated that the culprits will be punished and the Mosque will be restored. Furthermore the police is contemplating the installation of an alarm system for additional security.
Cyprus Government Spokesman, Michalis Papapetrou, underscored the full mobilization of both the Government and the police to investigate the crime while he emphasized that the Government will not tolerate any actions that undermine the struggle of the people of Cyprus.
The Cyprus Government reiterates once again that it is committed to protecting the cultural and religious heritage of Cyprus. For this purpose, it is pursuing a policy of protecting and respecting all places of worship irrespective of religion or race. August 31, 1999
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