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CORDIS (Community Research & Development Information Service)
Homepages of the Directorates-General and Services of the Commission
The European Investment Bank (EIB) - the EU's long-term lending institution
ESTIA (education, professions and labour market in different European countries)
International Bureau of the BMBF (German Federal Ministry for Education and Research)
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT WORLDWIDE (incubators, science parks, etc)
World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organisations (WAITRO)
Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T CENTRE)
ELAN - French Network of Business Incubators Managers (french)
Research & Enterpise Development at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Antisoma (a biopharmaceutical company developing novel products for the treatment of cancer)
World Intellectual Property Organization
Ethics and Corruption from OECD (Oganisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)
Greek Ministry of Transport and Communications - Code of conduct for the public services
9th International Anticorruption Conference held in Durban, South Africa
University of Iowa Conflict of Interest Policy and Statement of Financial Interest Disclosure Form