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Harvard-Cyprus Institute by November

By Fiona Mullen from "Financial Mirror"

Opportunities for courses, scholarships and jobs

The first stage of the Harvard-Cyprus International Initiative for the Environment and Public Health is expected to be completed within weeks, with the formal establishment by the end of November of the Cyprus International Institute for the Environment and Public Health (CII) as a non-profit organisation, followed by the offer of scholarships at Harvard, the recruitment of professionals and the opening of temporary offices by the end of this year.

"Our goal is to have up and running the Institute in Nicosia by January 1, 2005," said Dr Philip Demokritou, Professor at the Harvard School of Public Health and Interim Director of Cyprus International Institute for the Environment and Public Health.

Environment and public health research

President Papadopoulos at the signing of the agreement with the Harvard School of Public Health last June

The Cyprus International Institute, in Association with the Harvard School of Public Health, will provide a centralised location to address environmental and public health problems on a local, regional and international level.

According to Financial Mirror sources, work is already under way to pick a site for the Institute, with unconfirmed reports suggesting that it will be located at government-owned plots at Kornos, close to Larnaca.

The long-term aim is to concentrate all high value research and development activities in one place, with Kornos the current favourite.

Despite questions raised by the opposition over how the deal with Harvard was made, the establishment of a high quality research centre in Cyprus, particularly with a link to a strong brand such as Harvard, is seen as an important step in turning Cyprus into a regional hub for high-value research and development activity.

Two research centres

The Cyprus International Institute is just one part of the initiative signed last June by President Tassos Papadopoulos and Dean Barry Bloom. Another research centre will be located at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts, while there is also a training programme for Cypriots and other researchers in the region.

At both the Cyprus and Boston research centres, researchers, educators and practitioners from Harvard, Cyprus and the Mediterranean Region will confront regional environmental and Public Health issues and the future needs of society through the two research and training locations.

Boston programme already under way

The training programme, called the HSPH-Cyprus Program (HCP), has already been launched in Boston on September 1, 2004.

It will train students from Cyprus and the region and collaborate with the Cyprus International Institute on the development and execution of training and research programmes.

Both through the Cyprus International Institute in Cyprus and through the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, the Initiative will provide top-quality education and training in environmental, occupational, and public health to students, scholars, and mid-career professionals.

A workplan has been developed for the academic year 2004-2005 to cover organisational, educational and research activities of the initiative.

Scholarship details by November

A faculty committee at Harvard is putting together the curriculum for the graduate level one year programme on environmental health that is due to be offered in Cyprus starting September 2006. Students participating on this programme will have the  opportunity to continue for a second year in Boston and acquire a Masters from Harvard University.

The organisers also plan to announce its scholarship programme for graduate level studies at Harvard by the end of November and the first graduate students from Cyprus are expected to be enrolled in September 2005.

All doctoral level students will spend  50% of their time in Cyprus (CII component) on research projects related to Cyprus and the region. The organisers are also putting together the curriculum for 2-3 short courses for mid-career professionals that will offer in Cyprus next year, as part of the continuing education programme.

Job openings for academic positions both for post doctoral scientists as well as faculty positions for CII in Cyprus should be announced by the end of 2004, while the Institute expects to hire support personnel for the Nicosia offices some time in December.

Lecture series continues

A lectures series was launched a few weeks ago, with a lecture at Cyprus University by Dean Ware, on Public Health: Threats, Challenges, and Triumphs). The first in a series of symposia entitled Respiratory Diseases and the Environment will take place in Nicosia on December 1, 2004.

This symposium will address a variety of environmentally related respiratory diseases that might affect local and regional populations.

The goal of the Symposium will be to identify and prioritise potential research needs and to build coalitions with regional governmental and non-governmental organisations and other academic institutions.

The faculty in Boston has started building a network of  collaborations with universities and other academic institutions in Cyprus and the region and started preparing research proposals.

By Fiona Mullen, Financial Mirror, October 2004

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