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Statistics of Education, 1997/98

The Department of Statistics and Research announces that it has published the annual report "Statistics of Education" for the school-year 1997/98. The report provides detailed information regarding the number of educational institutions, pupils/students, teaching and non-teaching personnel, expenditure, the progress of pupils at each level of education and of Cypriot students abroad.

  1. The main findings in education during 1997/98 were:
  • At all levels of education, there were 1.208 institutions with 163.864 full- time pupils/students and 10.984 teaching staff.
  • The proportion enrolled in public institutions was 80,7% and in private 19,3%.
  • The number of pupils/students enrolled by level of education were as follows: pre-primary 26.517, primary 64.592, secondary 61.703, third level 10.527 and special education 525. The number of pupils/trainees in part-time institutes and other non-formal education was 119.417.
  • Cypriot students abroad totalled 10.815. Of these 45,2% were studying in Greece, 27,3% in the United Kingdom, 17,8% in the United States and 9,7% in other countries.
  • Expenditure on education at all levels, both public and private, stoïd at £353,0 mn. Public expenditure amounted to £217,5 mn and accounted for 13,8% of the Government' s budget and 5,0% of the Gross Domestic Product.
  1. The report is available for sale at the Government Printing Office in Nicosia at the price of £6,00 per copy.


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