Adopted by the General Assembly on 20 December 1978 on the question of
missing persons in Cyprus
The General Assembly,
Reaffirming its resolution 3450 (XXX) of 9 November 1975 and 32/ 128 of 16
December 1977 on the missing persons in Cyprus,
Regretting the delay in the implementation of these resolutions,
- Urges the establishment of the investigatory body under the chairmanship
of a representative of the Secretary-General with the cooperation of the
International Committee of the Red Cross, which would be in a position to
function impartially, effectively and speedily so as to resolve the problem
without undue delay. The representative of the Secretary-General shall be
empowered, in case of disagreement, to reach a binding independent opinion
which shall be implemented;
- Calls upon the parties to cooperate fully with the investigatory body and,
to this effect, to appoint their representatives there-to forthwith;
- Requests the Secretary-General to continue his good offices, through his
Special Representatives in Cyprus, to support the establishment of the
investigatory body.
Adopted at the 90th meeting by 69 votes to 6 with 55 abstentions.