opening statement of UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the statement agreed by all parties after three days of talks at the UN, as read by the Secretary-General
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February 13, 2004
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, or good evening to those of you
watching in Cyprus.
Indeed, I believe it is a very good evening for Cyprus.
We have not yet solved the problem, but I really believe that, after forty
years, a political settlement is at last in reach, provided both sides summon
the necessary political will.
In a moment, I will read you a statement which has been agreed with both
parties, and with the governments of Greece and Turkey.
But first let me congratulate both leaders, Mr. Papadopoulos and Mr.
Denktash, on the courage and political will they have both shown in the last
three days, which has allowed me to take the decision to resume negotiations
next week. And let me also thank the governments of Greece and Turkey for the
very constructive role they have both played.
A lot of hard work is still needed, and there are still tough
questions ahead. But if all concerned show the same courage and goodwill during
the next three months that they have shown in the last three days, I believe
there is now a real chance that, before the first of May, Cyprus will be
Now let me read the statement.
Negotiations resumed on 10 February at United Nations
Headquarters in New York between the two parties in Cyprus, in my
Following three days of meetings and consultations, I am pleased to
announce that the parties have committed to negotiating in good faith on the
basis of my plan to achieve a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus
problem through separate and simultaneous referenda before 1 May 2004.
To this end, the parties will seek to agree on changes and to complete the
plan in all respects by 22 March 2004, within the framework of my mission of
good offices, so as to produce a finalized text.
In the absence of such agreement, I would convene a meeting of the two
sides, with the participation of Greece and Turkey in order to lend their
collaboration, in a concentrated effort to agree on a finalized text by 29
As a final resort, in the event of a continuing and persistent deadlock,
the parties have invited me to use my discretion to finalize the text to be
submitted to referenda on the basis of my plan.
In addition, the parties have agreed on the other suggestions contained in
my invitation of 4 February 2004. They have also decided to form a technical
committee on economic and financial aspects of implementation, to be
chaired by the United Nations.
The guarantor powers have signified their commitment to this
process and to meeting their obligations under it.
I welcome these commitments as well as the assurances of the
European Union to accommodate a settlement and the offer of technical
assistance by the European Commission. I look forward to drawing on this
assistance as well as that of others in the course of the negotiations.
The talks will re-convene in Cyprus on Thursday, 19 February, with direct
meetings between the two parties in the presence of my Special Adviser, Alvaro
de Soto. The technical committees on laws and treaties will re-convene on the
same day.
I commend the constructive spirit and political will displayed by both
parties, as well as by Greece and Turkey, to reach this agreement.
All concerned now face historic responsibilities to bring about a just and
lasting peace in Cyprus. I wish them well, and look forward to working closely
with them.
Efharisto! Tesekkurler! Thank you very much!