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The Project


Each year thousands of Cypriot students study abroad, many of them pursuing advanced degrees in some of the most prestigious universities in the world. Unfortunately, the connection of this highly skilled pool of young professionals with the job market in Cyprus is currently weak. These graduates of the Diaspora usually have little information on potentially attractive employment opportunities available in Cyprus. Conversely, Cyprus businesses and the government sector have limited access to the pool of candidates residing abroad. Hiring and thus repatriating such trained professionals could significantly improve economic performance of Cyprus and its ability to compete within the European Union.

Cypriots Resume Book initially available in on-line, searchable format, it could also be produced in hard copy depending on demand and funding. 

Who Can Enter

The Resume Book is open to every Cypriot professional or student. Both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as those who have completed their studies and are now seeking a job, are welcome to participate. The benefits can be numerous and could translate from a summer job to a successful professional career.

How You Can Enter

You need to complete a simple Resume Form. Upon submitting the information, you can view your file in the format prospective employer will see. A user ID and a password of your choice allow you to update the information when required.

Who Can Use it

All resume forms are archived on the Kypros-Net  server. Their contents can be searched by prospective employers.

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