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Make Kypros-Net your Home Page 
For Netscape Navigator:  
  1. From the Netscape pull-down Options/Edit menu, select General Preferences. 
  2. Select the Appearance tab. 
  3. In the "Startup" section of the page, click the Home Page Location radio button and enter in the text entry box below the button. 
For Microsoft Internet Explorer:  
  1. go to the Address: 
  2. From the pull-down View menu, select Options. 
  3. Select the Start and Search pages page. 
  4. Select the Use Current button and then the OK button. 
Next time you start Netscape or Internet Explorer click the Home button. You'll go directly to Kypros-Net. 
Add Kypros-Net to your Bookmark List 
For Netscape Navigator:  
  1. Go to 
  2. From the Netscape pull-down Bookmarks menu, select Add Bookmark
For Microsoft Internet Explorer:  
  1. In Internet Explorer, go to the Address: 
  2. From the pull-down Favorites menu, select Add to Favorites
  3. Select the Add button. 
The Kypros-Net Page should now appear at the end of your Netscape bookmarks list or Internet Explorer favorites list. 
Add a Link to Kypros-Net, Cyprus News or  Eureka  on your Page 
Do you want to add a link to Kypros-Net or Eureka on your web page?  

To use one of the buttons below just copy the HTML next to the logo you like onto your page. 


<a href="" target="_parent"> 
<img src="" alt="Kypros-Net"  border="1"> 

<A HREF="">
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<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC=""></A>

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