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Greek and Turkish Cypriots in London briefed on EU accession negotiations (19/3/1999)

There was a large turn-out at the talk given in London on 19 March by Mr George Vassiliou, Cyprus' Chief Negotiator for accession to the European Union.

The Turkish Cypriots, who made up the majority in the audience of about 300 people, showed particular interest in Cyprus' accession process and asked many questions. The event, which lasted over two hours, took place on the initiative of the leader of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, Pauline Green, and was the first of its kind.

The Chief Negotiator for Cyprus at the Task Force for Accession Negotiations, Mr Leopold Maurer, and Mrs Green also spoke on the occasion.

For his part Mr Vassiliou concentrated on developments in Cyprus' accession process. He specifically elaborated on Cyprus' decision to be part of the European Union, the importance of Cyprus joining the EU as early as possible, the procedure being followed at the accession negotiations and the benefits of accession for the two communities in Cyprus.

Mr Vassiliou dwelt on the benefits accession would bring to the Turkish Cypriot community in particular. It would enable them to raise their standard of living and benefit from the EU structural funds. Mr Vassiliou noted that the Turkish Cypriots living in Britain, who are European citizens, have already seen the benefits.

In his turn Mr Maurer spoke about the procedure being followed by the EU as regards the six applicant countries which will be included in the next phase of enlargement and made specific references to Cyprus. He stressed that the EU is a large family of nations within which differences between them are overcome in a spirit of mutual respect.

Mrs Green said she attached importance to the promotion of a dialogue and making information about the European Union available, particularly to the Turkish Cypriots.

In the discussion that followed, the Turkish Cypriots asked questions about the problem of isolation of the Turkish Cypriot community in the event that Cyprus joins the EU before a settlement is achieved.

Mr Maurer said he concluded from the discussion that the Turkish Cypriots were in favour of Cyprus' accession and expressed his satisfaction.

Mr Vassiliou said that direct contact with the Turkish Cyrpiots gives them a good opportunity to be informed and helps explode the "myths" that are cultivated about Cyprus' accession process.

Before the discussion Mrs Green organised a press conference at the Cyprus Community Centre which was attended by both Greek and Turkish Cypriot journalists.


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