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Statement by President Clerides relating to Turkish Cypriot Participation, 12th March 1998

At the meeting I had today with the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom, the Right Honourable Mr. Robin Cook, having in mind Paragraph 28 fo the Luxembourg Conclusions, which states, inter alia, that «... the accession of Cyprus should benefit all communities and help bring about civil peace and reconciliation...,» I repeated my wish that the Turkish Cypriot Community nominate representatives to be included as full members of the Cypriot team, which will conduct the negotiations.

I emphasised to the Secretary of State that regarding the participation of the Turkish Cypriot Community on the Delegation, I was making an earnest and solemn invitation to my Turkish Cypriot compatriots to participate; for I firmly believe that they should take an active part and make their contribution to the negotiating process for acceding to the European Union.

Indeed, we are faced with a historic challenge. There is no doubt in my mind that the forthcoming enlargement of the European Union will certainly shape the future of Europe. Entry of the Republic into the Union will most certainly benefit enormously both communities.

Should the Turkish Cypriot Community respond favourably to this proposal they may rest assured that the poitns of view and the opinions of their representatives will be discussed freely, seriously and in good faith and that the conclusions reached will constitute an important element in formulating the negotiating positios of the Cyrpus team.

I hope that the response of the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot Community will be positive.


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