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1. For the purposes of this Annex:—

(a) " United Kingdom military aircraft " means aircraft used by the land, sea and air armed services of the United Kingdom, and aircraft under the control of or under charter for the purposes of those armed services;

(b) " Authorised service organisation " mean" any one of the organisations listed in the Schedule to this Part of this Annex or a person acting on its behalf;

(c) "United Kingdom authorities " means the United Kingdom Government Departments or other governmental authorities or organisations of the United Kingdom or any one of them or any person acting on behalf of any of them;

(d) (a) " United Kingdom personnel " means—

(i) members of the land, sea and air armed services of the United Kingdom,

(ii) persons in the service of or engaged in duties on behalf of any United Kingdom authority duly authorised and identified as such by a United Kingdom authority,

(iii) authorised service organisations of the United Kingdom and persons employed by them;

(b) Save for the purposes of paragraph 5 of Section 2 and paragraph I of Section 4 of Part II of this Annex, persons who are nationals of the Republic of Cyprus shall not be regarded as United Kingdom personnel unless they are members of the land, sea or air armed services of the United Kingdom;

(e) " United Kingdom property" means property owned by or in the occupation, possession or control of any United Kingdom authority or authorised service organisation;

(f) " Sites " means sites which the Government of the United Kingdom is entitled to use pursuant to Section 1 of Part II of this Annex;

(g) " Installation " includes any building or structure, whether permanent or temporary, and includes any installation whether on land or in the sea;

(h) " Territory " includes the territorial sea adjacent to a territory, and reference to any territory shall be construed accordingly;

(i) " Dependent " of a person means—

(i) the wife or husband of that person,

(ii) any other person wholly or mainly maintained by or in the custody or charge of that person, and

(iii) any other person (not being a national of nor ordinarily resident in the Republic of Cyprus) who is in domestic employment in the household of that person;

(j) " United Kingdom vessels " means vessels used by the land, sea and air armed services of the United Kingdom and vessels under the control of or under charter for the purposes of those armed services;

(k) "Contractors " means undertakings and persons, and persons employed by undertakings and persons, who execute work or perform services in the Island of Cyprus for United Kingdom authorities under contracts made with those authorities; provided that, except in relation to " United Kingdom property " and for the purposes of Section 7 of Part II of this Annex, this definition shall not apply to undertakings whose ordinary place of business is in, or to persons who ordinarily reside in, or are nationals of, the Republic of Cyprus;

(l) "Sutlers " means persons, not being nationals of the Republic of Cyprus nor ordinarily resident therein, who are licensed by the United Kingdom authorities to accompany their land, sea and air armed services in the Island of Cyprus in order to perform services for members of those services.

2. References to "the United Kingdom " in this Annex shall be understood as including a reference to any territory for the international relations of which the Government of the United Kingdom is responsible.


Authorised Service Organisations

Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes (NAAFI)

Army Kinema Corporation (A.K.C.)

Royal Air Force Cinema Corporation (R.A.F.C.C.)

Malcolm Clubs

Services Central Book Depot

British Red Cross Society which includes—

The Order of the Knights of St. John and

The St. Andrew's Ambulance Association

Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Families Association (S.S.A.F.A.)

Council for Voluntary Welfare Work (C.V.W.W.) and its constituent Members—

    (a) Young Men's Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.)

    (b) Young Women's Christian Association (Y.W.C.A.)

    (c) Catholic Women's League Services Club Committee

    (d) Salvation Army

    (e) Church Army

    (f) Church of Scotland Committee on Hut and Canteen Work for Her Majesty's Forces

    (g) Methodist and United Board Churches

    (h) Toc H

    (i) Church of England Soldiers', Sailors' and Airmen's Clubs

    (j) Mission to Mediterranean Garrisons

    (k) Hibbert Houses

    (l) The Lady Lampson Club.

Women's Voluntary Service for Civil Defence (W.V.S.)

Soldiers' and Airmen's Scripture Readers Association

Forces Help Society and Lord Roberts Workshops

The Royal Naval Film Corporation

Royal Naval Lay Readers' Society

British Sailors' Society

Missions to Seamen


Part II


1. The Government of the United Kingdom shall have the right to continue to use, without restriction or interference, the Sites in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus listed in Schedule A to this Part of this Annex.

2. The Government of the United Kingdom shall have the right to continue to use, without restriction or interference, the Sites in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus listed in Schedule B to this Part of this Annex, but shall terminate the use of those Sites as soon as practicable.

3. The Government of the United Kingdom shall have the right to obtain, after consultation with the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, the use of such additional small Sites as the United Kingdom may, from time to time, consider technically necessary for the efficient use of its base areas and installations in the Island of Cyprus.

4. The enumeration in this Treaty of specific rights to be exercised within the Sites shall not be interpreted as prejudicing the general right of use and control to be enjoyed by the Government of the United Kingdom pursuant to paragraphs l, 2 and 3 of this Section.


1. The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right to exercise complete control within the Sites, including in particular the rights referred to in the succeeding paragraphs of this Section.

2. The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right to guard and defend the Sites and to exclude from them all persons not authorised by those authorities to enter or be present within the Sites. Officials of the Republic of Cyprus in pursuance of their official duties, or private individuals having good reason, may enter the Sites with the consent of the competent United Kingdom authorities, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

3. Regularly constituted units or formations of the armed services of the United Kingdom shall have the sole right to police the Sites, including the right to arrest therein any person suspected of having committed an offence. Any such arrests (other than of persons over whom the United Kingdom has the right to exercise exclusive jurisdiction or the primary right to exercise jurisdiction or of whom the United Kingdom has the right to take custody under the provisions of Section 8 of Annex C to this Treaty) shall be immediately notified to the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus and such persons (other than as aforesaid) shall be handed over forthwith to those authorities to be dealt with by the normal processes of law. The United Kingdom authorities may call on the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus to assist them from time to time with the maintenance of order.

4. - a) The United Kingdom authorities may take such measures within the Sites as they deem necessary to ensure the security of the Sites and of persons and property in them.

(b) The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall, in consultation with the United Kingdom authorities, take such measures outside the Sites as are necessary to ensure the security of the Sites and of persons and property in them; provided that in the event of an immediate threat to that security, the United Kingdom authorities may take precautionary measures outside, but in the immediate and actual vicinity of, the Sites until the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus are able to ensure that security.

5. - a) The United Kingdom authorities may take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to prevent injury or damage to, or interference with, United Kingdom personnel, their dependents and United Kingdom property, and to ensure the security of United Kingdom official information.

(b) In this paragraph, " United Kingdom property" shall also include property owned by or in the occupation, possession or control of any contractor, being property required for the purposes of a contract with the United Kingdom authorities.


1. At the request of the United Kingdom authorities, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall arrange for such reasonable control over activities in the vicinity of United Kingdom installations and equipment in the Island of Cyprus, including the movement of aircraft, vessels and vehicles, and the erection and construction of installations, and the operation of radio and electrical equipment, as may be considered necessary by the United Kingdom authorities to ensure the efficient operation and security of such installations and equipment of the United Kingdom.

2. In cases where the United Kingdom authorities have reason to suspect the existence in or near the villages of Pergamos or Akhyritou of apparatus likely to cause interference with nearby installations in the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, at the request of the United Kingdom authorities and in co-operation with those authorities, shall search those villages or their neighbourhood for such apparatus and, when any such apparatus is found, fit such suppressors as may be required to eliminate the interference or take away such apparatus for the purpose of fitting suppressors and return it as soon as possible thereafter. The United Kingdom authorities shall be solely responsible for the fitting of such suppressors.

3. In so far as taking into custody proves absolutely necessary, police and members of the armed services of the United Kingdom may take into custody persons who in their presence obstruct or attempt to obstruct the use or exercise of the facilities and rights accorded to the United Kingdom by this Treaty, or who damage or remove or attempt to damage or remove United Kingdom property. The question of jurisdiction in such cases shall be decided in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of Annex C to this Treaty. Persons so taken into custody, if not subject to the jurisdiction of the United Kingdom service Courts, shall be handed over forthwith to the appropriate authorities of the Republic of Cyprus to be dealt with by the normal processes of law.


1. - a) The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right to use roads, ports and other facilities freely for the movement of formed bodies of troops, and convoys of vehicles, of the land, sea and air armed services of the United Kingdom, to and from and between the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area, the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area, the Sites, and the other premises and installations referred to in paragraph 6 of Section 8 of this Part of this Annex, Range Areas, Training Areas, localities in which training is carried out, ports and airfields, and, with the consent of the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, elsewhere.

(b) Except in so far as sub-paragraph (a) otherwise provides, the United Kingdom authorities, authorised service organisations, United Kingdom personnel (not in formed bodies), contractors, cutlers, and the dependents of any of them, shall be given freedom of movement into, out of, and, to the extent permitted by law of the Republic of Cyprus to its citizens, within the territory of the Republic of Cyprus.

2. The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right for United Kingdom military aircraft to fly in the airspace over the territory of the Republic of Cyprus without restriction other than to have due regard for the safety of other aircraft and the safety of life and property in the Republic of Cyprus.

3. The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right, after consultation with the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, to install, maintain or dismantle in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus such lights and other aids to navigation as the United Kingdom authorities may deem necessary to ensure the proper operation and safety of United Kingdom vessels and military aircraft.

4.-a) If an aircraft, vessel or vehicle which is or has a load or cargo which is United Kingdom property or consigned to United Kingdom authorities or authorised service organisations, is held up or damaged in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus. the United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations and persons acting on their behalf, shall have the right to gain access to that aircraft, vessel or vehicle, or to that load or cargo, as the case may be. If such aircraft, vessel or vehicle has been detained by ordinary process of law of the Republic of Cyprus, access whilst such detention continues shall be, if the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus so request, in the presence of Cypriot officials.

(b) In this paragraph, "United Kingdom property" shall also include property owned by or in the occupation, possession or control of any contractor, being property required for the purposes of a contract with the United Kingdom authorities.


1. The rights accorded by the Republic of Cyprus by Section 4 of this Part of this Annex shall include the unobstructed use of the port, docks, harbours, piers and related installations and equipment in the Republic of Cyprus.

2. If port facilities in the Republic become inadequate to meet the needs of the United Kingdom authorities or authorised service organisations, by reason of absence or insufficiency of staff, labour or equipment, the United Kingdom authorities shall have the right in consultation with, or in cases of urgency on notification to, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, to provide their own staff, labour and equipment to meet these needs for as long as the deficiency continues.

3. In exercise of the rights of the United Kingdom authorities under this Section, United Kingdom vessels shall have the right to visit ports in the Republic of Cyprus and to obtain there provisions, fresh water and other supplies. Visits by Her Majesty's Ships shall be subject to the customary international procedures.


1. The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right to install and operate freely in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus new and existing communications systems and electronics systems, including the unrestricted right to broadcast and to use the radio frequencies which they consider necessary, and to lay submarine or other cables between the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area, the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area, Sites, installations or any of them. Apart from normal news items these broadcasts shall not be concerned with the internal affairs of Cyprus or be of a nature likely to affect adversely the friendly relations of the Republic of Cyprus with other countries.

2. The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus and the United Kingdom authorities shall consult and co-operate to ensure the effective operation of telecommunications in the Island of Cyprus. The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus and the United Kingdom authorities shall conform with the provisions of the International Telecommunication Convention and the International Radio Regulations, and shall jointly establish a Cyprus Telecommunications Co-ordination Committee to enable mutual radio planning to be effected and a Cyprus Frequency Assignment Committee for the purpose of assigning frequencies which may be mutually agreed.

3. The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right, in respect of their existing and new frequencies in the Republic of Cyprus, to notify them to the International Telecommunication Union and to be internationally responsible for them.

4. The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right to operate exclusively for their benefit and for the benefit of United Kingdom personnel and their dependents telegraphic and postal services within the Republic of Cyprus. The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall transfer all telegrams and other postal material received for United Kingdom personnel under a British Forces Post Office address to the British Forces Postal Service at the selected office of exchange.


1. The United Kingdom authorities, authorised service organisations and contractors may employ freely in the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area, the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area and in the Sites labour from other parts of the Island of Cyprus.

2. The United Kingdom authorities, authorised service organisations and their contractors shall, so far as is practicable, employ only Cypriot staff and labour in the Island of Cyprus, provided that such staff and labour are available and qualified to do the work. In this regard the United Kingdom authorities, authorised service organisations and their contractors shall as far as possible have regard to the proportionate numbers of the Communities in Cyprus. The above shall not prejudice the right of the United Kingdom authorities, authorised service organisations and their contractors to employ when necessary staff and labour from the British Isles.

3. In so far as shortage or inadequacy of available local labour makes it necessary, the United Kingdom authorities, authorised service organisations and contractors may employ in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus persons not normally resident in the Island of Cyprus. The entry of such persons, save those covered by Annex C to this Treaty, shall be governed by the procedure laid down in the legislation of the Republic of Cyprus for the entry of aliens. It is understood that such procedure shall not be applied in such a manner as to impair the general exercise of the above right.

4. Recruitment of local civilian labour within the territory of the Republic of Cyprus shall be effected with the assistance of the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus through its labour exchanges. The United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations shall pay wages and maintain conditions of service which are generally equivalent to those obtaining in similar employment in the Republic of Cyprus. In the territory of the Republic of Cyprus the conditions of employment and work, particularly as regards wages, supplementary payments and conditions for the protection of workers, shall be governed by the general legislation of the Republic of Cyprus.

5. In matters of public health and safety and in matters relating to the protection of workmen, the United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations shall, except where military necessity makes it impracticable, arrange that the conditions under which civilians employed by them work in the Island of Cyprus shall be as favourable as those generally existing in similar employment in the Republic of Cyprus; in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus these conditions shall be governed by the general legislation of the Republic of Cyprus, it being understood that in the application of this legislation the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the security and efficient operation of the installations and equipment of the United Kingdom authorities shall not be impaired.


1. The authorities of the United Kingdom may, after consultation with the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, make surveys of any kind in any part of the Republic of Cyprus for the purpose of operations under this Treaty. If the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus so desire, a representative of the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus may be present when any survey is made outside the Sites. The results of such surveys and all data in connexion therewith, such as maps, air photographs, triangulation or

other control data, shall be supplied by the United Kingdom authorities to the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus. The rights conferred by this Section shall not extend to areas access to which is generally prohibited by the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus.

2. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Section, the United Kingdom authorities and contractors, duly authorised by the United Kingdom authorities, shall have the right within the Sites and the other premises and installations referred to in paragraph 6 of this Section to search for and win by any means water sufficient for their needs and building and construction materials so long as the winning of such materials causes no prejudice to adjacent property. Any archaeological remains and mineral resources, including petroleum, but excluding building and construction materials, which may be discovered during these operations under this Treaty shall remain the property of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.

3. A Committee consisting of representatives of the United Kingdom authorities and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall be established to keep under continual review the question of such water supplies as may affect both the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area, the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area, the Sites and the other premises and installations referred to in paragraph 6 of Section 8 of this Part of this Annex on the one hand, and the Republic of Cyprus on the other, and to make recommendations to the competent authorities as to the means of meeting the needs of the consumers concerned and as to the imposition of any restriction on the abstraction and consumption of water that may be required to ensure that those needs are met and that the water available is fairly distributed.

4. The United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations shall have the right to engage or employ contractors, including those from outside the Republic of Cyprus, provided that so far as is practicable without prejudice to the legitimate interests of the United Kingdom preference shall be given to contractors normally residing in the Island of Cyprus.

5. The United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations and United Kingdom personnel, contractors, sutlers and the dependents of any of them shall have the right to occupy premises and to reside in the Republic of Cyprus.

6. The following provisions shall apply to the leave camps, groups of residential buildings, and other installations, together with the related land and other facilities, referred to in Schedules C and D to this part of this Annex:—

    (a) the United Kingdom authorities may guard such premises;
    (b) private persons shall have no right of entry to them without the permission of the United Kingdom authorities: and
    (c) officials of the Republic of Cyprus shall act in consultation with the United Kingdom authorities in exercising any right to enter such premises.

7. The United Kingdom authorities, authorised service organisations, United Kingdom personnel, contractors, sutlers and the dependents of any of them shall be permitted to make use of public utilities in the Republic of Cyprus on terms, conditions and charges not less favourable than those available to other non-governmental users.

8. - a) The United Kingdom authorities. authorised service organisations, United Kingdom personnel, contractors, sutlers and the dependents of any of them in the Island of Cyprus may purchase locally goods and commodities necessary for their own use or consumption, and such services as they need, under the conditions generally applicable in the Republic of Cyprus.

(b) It shall be the policy of the United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations and their contractors to purchase locally goods and commodities which they require in the Island of Cyprus, if they are available at a suitable price and are of the standard required. In order to avoid such purchases having any adverse effect on the economy of the Republic of Cyprus, its competent authorities shall indicate, when necessary, any articles the purchase of which should be restricted or forbidden.

(c) Subject to the provisions of sub-paragraph (b) above, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall not place any obstacle in the way of the United Kingdom authorities, authorised service organisations and their contractors making such purchases on terms and conditions no less favourable than those available to other non-governmental purchasers.

(d) Nothing in this paragraph confers any exemption from the fiscal regulations generally applicable in the Republic of Cyprus.

9. The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall place no restriction on activities in the Republic of Cyprus by the United Kingdom authorities or authorised service organisations designed to promote the welfare of United Kingdom personnel, contractors, cutlers, and the dependents of any of them, including the provision of their own educational and medical facilities.

10. The United Kingdom authorities, personnel and contractors and the dependents of either of them shall be exempt from the operation of any law of the Republic of Cyprus relating to matters of education, although wherever practicable they will take all reasonable steps to ensure the maintenance of educational standards at least as high as those obtaining under the law of the Republic of Cyprus.

11. The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall exempt the United Kingdom authorities, personnel and their dependents from the regulations of the Republic of Cyprus relating to matters of health in so far as at least equivalent standards or requirements may be enforced by the United Kingdom authorities. The United Kingdom authorities and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall promptly inform each other of the outbreak or suspected outbreak, development and elimination of an infectious disease, as well as of the measures taken.

12. - a) The United Kingdom authorities, authorised service organisations, contractors and sutlers may in accordance with established practice in the Republic of Cyprus, and without restriction, sell goods to and provide services for United Kingdom personnel, contractors, sutlers and dependents of any of them exclusively. The United Kingdom authorities shall consult with the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus with a view to preventing abuse of the foregoing right.

(b) This paragraph shall not be construed as conferring any right to buy goods free of customs duties or other duties or taxes on those not otherwise entitled.

13. The United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations may. if the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus have no objection relating to the internal economy of the Island of Cyprus, sell property, not being immovable property, in the Island which they find to be surplus to their needs.

14. Separate arrangements shall be made at airports and at sea ports in the Republic of Cyprus to deal with United Kingdom property and property of United Kingdom personnel, contractors, sutlers and the dependents of any of them in transit and with customs and immigration control of United Kingdom personnel, contractors, sutlers and the dependents of any of them.


1. The Government of the United Kingdom shall have the right to obtain, after consultation with the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, the use of such additional rights as the United Kingdom may, from time to time, consider technically necessary for the efficient use of its Sovereign Base Areas and installations in the Island of Cyprus.

2. The United Kingdom authorities shall, in the exercise of their rights in accordance with this Annex, at all times have due regard for the interests of the Republic of Cyprus and of its citizens, including in particular the normal rights of private property.

3. The United Kingdom authorities shall be entitled to all the rights and facilities enjoyed by a force of the United Kingdom by virtue of Annex C to this Treaty, and persons who are in the Island of Cyprus in the course of performing official duties, with the authority of the United Kingdom military Commander in the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area and the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area, and their dependents, shall be entitled to all the rights and facilities enjoyed by members of a force and their dependents by virtue of that Annex; provided that this paragraph shall not apply to citizens of the Republic of Cyprus.

4. If the armed services of any country within the British Commonwealth of Nations are for the time being stationed with or operating in conjunction with the United Kingdom armed services based on the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area and the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area, the authorities, personnel and dependents of those armed services shall receive in all matters dealt with in this Annex the same treatment as that accorded to the United Kingdom authorities, United Kingdom personnel, and their dependents, including the application of the same obligations.

(NOTE.—The detailed plans of each Site and the Map showing the approximate position of each Site, which are referred to in Schedules A, B, C and D, are not printed.

The approximate positions of the Sites are, however, shown on Map number 3 contained in Appendix V to this Paper.)


The Sites to which paragraph I of Section 1 of this Part of this Annex

At Cape Kiti.

At Cape Greco

applies are located as follows:—

A.1 At the port of Limassol.

A.2 At Troodos.

A.3 At Mount Olympus.

A.4 To the north and west of Zyyi.

A.5 At Cape Kiti.

A.6/1 At Cape Greco.

A.6/2 Water supply for Schedule A.6/1.

A.7 At Mount Yaila.

A.8 At Heraklis.

A.9 At the port of Famagusta.

A.10/l At Nicosia Airfield.

A.10/2 Water supply for Schedule A.10/1.

2. The approximate position of these Sites is indicated by numbers A.1 to A.10/2 on the Map annexed to this Part of this Annex. Detailed plans of each Site are annexed to this Schedule.


1. The Sites to which paragraph 2 of Section 1 of this Part of this Anne applies are located as follows:—

B.l/1 At Polemidhia, including small arms range.

B.1/2 Water supply for Schedule B.l/l.

B.2 At disused airfield south of Larnaca.

B.3/1 North of Zyyi.

B.3/2 Water supply for Schedule B.3/1.

B.4 At Famagusta, on the Nicosia road.

B.5 On and to the west of the main Famagusta-Salamis road.

B.6 To the northwest of Nicosia, on the Kyrenia road.

B.7 At Nicosia, in Metokio Street.

B.8 On the coast about 5 miles south of Larnaca.

B.9/1 To the west of Nicosia.

B.9/2 Water supply for Schedule B.9/1.

B.10 On the outskirts of Famagusta, on the Nicosia road.

2. The approximate position of these Sites is indicated by numbers B.1 to B.10 on the Map annexed to this Part of this Annex. Detailed plans of each Site are annexed to this Schedule.


1. The United Kingdom installations and other items to which paragraph follows:—

6 of Section 8 of this Part of this Annex applies are located as

C.1 At Troodos.

C.2/1 On the outskirts of Limassol.

C.2/2 Water supply for Schedule C.2/1.

C.3 Near Paphos, about ~2 mile from the tip of Cape Paphos.

C.4 On the coast near Ayia Irini.

C.5 At Kissousa, about 7 miles north of Episkopi, including the Kissousa water source, the pipeline bringing water to the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area and the Anoyira tunnel.

C.6 At Limassol, in Paphos Road.

C.7 On the coast, about 3 1/2 miles north of Famagusta.

C.8/1 At Famagusta in Peloponnesus Street.

C.8/2 At Famagusta in Steropis Street.

C.8/3 At Famagusta in Gladstone Street.

2. The appropriate position of these installations and other items is indicated by numbers C.1 to C.8/3 on the Map annexed to this Part of this Annex. Detailed plans of each Site are annexed to this Schedule.


1. The United Kingdom installations and other items to which' paragraph 6 of Section 8 of this Part of this Annex applies until the United Kingdom authorities terminate the use of them are located as follows:—

    D.1/1 On the south-west outskirts of Nicosia.

    D.1/2 On the south-east outskirts of Nicosia.

    D.2 At Karaolos, about 3 miles north of Famagusta.

    D.3 Near Kalopsidha and Makrasyka, about 6 miles north of Dhekelia, including water sources and the pipeline bringing water to the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area.

2. The appropriate position of these Sites is indicated by numbers D.l/1 to D.3 on the Map annexed to this Part of this Annex. Detailed plans of each Site are annexed to this Schedule.




For the purposes of this Part of this Annex:—

    (a) " immovable property " includes—

      (i) land,
      (ii) buildings and other erections, structures or fixtures affixed any land or to any building or other erection or structure,
      (iii) trees, vines, and any other things whatsoever planted or growing upon any land and any produce thereof before severance,
      (iv) springs, wells, water and water rights whether held together wit or independently of, any land,
      (v) privileges, liberties, easements and any other rights and advantages whatsoever appertaining or reputed to appertain to any land to any building or other erection or structure,
      (vi) an undivided share in any property herein before set out,  in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus;

    (b) " rights over immovable property " includes rights to occupy immovable property by lease, licence, hiring or other agreement, rights of way, privileges, liberties, quasi-easements, and all other rights and advantages whatsoever over immovable property which do not constitute immovable property.


1. Subject to the provisions of this and the following Sections of this Part of this Annex, the Government of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations may, with the consent of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus if such consent is required by the law in force at the relevant time, acquire by private agreement and own immovable property required by them for the purposes of this Treaty in accordance with the provisions of the law generally obtaining in the Republic of Cyprus at the relevant time in respect of such matters. In cases where the law requires consent to such acquisition, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus shall give all sympathetic consideration to a request from the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation for such consent.

2. -2 a) The Government of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations may, with the consent of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus if such consent is required by the law in force at the relevant time, enter into agreements for the use or occupation of immovable property in accordance with the law generally obtaining in the

Republic of Cyprus at the relevant time in respect of such matters, and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall be notified of any such agreement:

Provided that no consent of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and no notification shall be required in respect of agreements—

(i) for the hiring of premises to be used for residential or other similar purposes;

(ii) in respect of immovable property situated in the Sites or in the premises and installations referred to in paragraph 6 of Section 8 of Part II of this Annex, or in respect of rights of way, privileges, liberties, easements or other rights or advantages appurtenant to the Sites or to those premises and installations.

(b) In cases where the law requires consent to enter into agreements for the use or occupation of immovable property, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus shall give all sympathetic consideration to a request from the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation for such consent.

3. -2 a) Subject to the provisions of this Part of this Annex and to any existing rights of other parties, immovable property owned by the Government of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations immediately before the entry into force of this Treaty shall continue to be so owned.

(b) In respect of any such immovable property the ownership of which was acquired after the 19th of February, 1959, by the Government of the United Kingdom, by United Kingdom authorities, or by authorised service organisations by compulsory purchase or by virtue of a grant made by the Governor of the Colony of Cyprus, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say—

(i) The Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned shall, within three months from the entry into force of this Treaty, deliver to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus particulars of such property;

(ii) the Government of the Republic of Cyprus may, within three months thereafter, by notice in writing to the Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned, as the case may be, signify its wish that the ownership of any such property shall vest in the Republic; and upon the giving of such notice, the ownership of the property in question shall be vested in the Republic on payment to the Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned, as the case may be, of such amount as shall be sufficient to cover any amount paid or payable by way of compensation or purchase price by the Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned for the acquisition of the ownership of such property.

(c) The provisions of this paragraph shall not affect the operation of Sections 3 and 9 of this Part of this Annex.


1. The Government of the Republic of Cyprus shall, in respect of the Sites and in respect of the premises and installations referred to in paragraph 6 of Section 8 of Part II of this Annex, arrange that as from the entry into force of this Treaty the Government of the United Kingdom shall be enabled to occupy and use the immovable property constituting the Sites and those premises and installations with rights appertaining thereto, as if they were the absolute property of the latter Government freed from the rights of all other persons, for so long as that Government may require the Sites and those premises and installations for the purposes of this Treaty, in so far as the Government of the United Kingdom does not own that property or is not enabled by private agreement so to occupy or use that property:

Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be interpreted to mean that the ownership of any such property not already owned by the Government of the United Kingdom shall vest in such Government except with the consent of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus where that consent is required under the provisions of paragraph 1 of Section 2 of this Part of this Annex.

2. The United Kingdom authorities shall, immediately upon the entry into force of this Treaty, deposit with the Department of Lands and Surveys in Nicosia such particulars and detailed plans of the immovable property involved as are necessary to enable the Government of the Republic of Cyprus to give effect to paragraph 1 of this Section.

3. -2 a) As from the date on which the Government of the United Kingdom, after consultation with the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, obtains the use of any additional Site or right over immovable property, pursuant to paragraph 3 of Section 1 or paragraph 1 of Section 9, respectively, of Part II of this Annex, the provisions of this Section shall apply to that Site or right:

Provided that nothing in this sub-paragraph shall operate to make the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Section applicable to any additional Site or right as aforesaid, unless and until an agreement is reached between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on the amount of any compensation or annual rent or both to be paid by the former to the latter Government in respect of the use of such additional Site or right.

(b) The United Kingdom authorities shall, by a date to be agreed in respect of the Site or right in question, deposit with the Department of Lands and Surveys particulars and detailed plans of the immovable property involved.

4. Pending the making of such arrangements as may be necessary under paragraph 1 of this Section in respect of the premises and installations referred to in paragraph 6 of Section 8 of Part II of this Annex, those premises and installations shall, for the purposes of paragraph 1 of Section 1 of Part II, be regarded as Sites.


1. Subject to the provisions of this Part of this Annex and of any law for the time being in force generally obtaining in the Republic of Cyprus, the Republic of Cyprus shall arrange for the registration of the ownership of immovable property owned by the Government of the United Kingdom or United Kingdom authorities or authorised service organisations and for the recording in the books of the appropriate District Lands Offices of acquisitions by the Government of the United Kingdom and United Kingdom authorities or authorised service organisations of registrable rights over immovable property.

2. Registration shall be effected in the name of such person or authority as may be designated by the United Kingdom authorities for the purpose of the registration in question.


Where, immediately before the entry into force of this Treaty, immovable property of the Crown, other than that to which Section 3 of this Part of this Annex applies, was used or occupied for the purposes of the land, sea or air armed services of the United Kingdom by arrangement with the Government of the Colony of Cyprus, that use or occupation may continue on the same terms for such a period, not exceeding six months, as may be necessary to facilitate the redeployment of those armed services and to permit the removal of installations erected or established by the United Kingdom.


1. Immovable property owned and rights over or relating to immovable property exercisable by the Government of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations shall not be subject to expropriation, except in so far as this Section provides.

2. -2 a) The Government of the United Kingdom will give sympathetic consideration to requests by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus that immovable property owned or occupied by the Government of the United Kingdom or by a United Kingdom authority or by an authorised service organisation, which is required by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus either on its own behalf or on behalf of any other authority for an undertaking of public utility, shall be surrendered in exchange for other immovable property which is considered as equally suitable for the same purpose.

(b) The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to immovable property constituting the Sites or the premises and installations referred to in paragraph 6 of Section 8 of Part II of this Annex, or to rights appertaining thereto, or to rights conferred by Part II of this Annex.


1. Where any immovable property owned by the Government of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom authorities or authorised service organisations is no longer needed for the purposes of this Treaty, a notice to that effect shall be given to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus by the Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned; and thereupon the following provisions shall apply, that is to say—

(a) where such property has been acquired by the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation by compulsory purchase, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus shall ascertain whether, under the provisions of the Land Acquisition Law of the Colony of Cyprus in force immediately before the entry into force of this Treaty, any person has a right of preemption in respect of such property and whether any such person wishes to exercise such right;

(b) within three months from the date of the notice, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus shall notify the Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned—

(i) whether the person referred to in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph wishes to exercise the right of pre-emption referred to therein; or
(ii) where the person aforesaid does not wish to exercise such right or where there is no right of pre-emption in respect of such property, whether the Government of the Republic of Cyprus wishes to acquire such property;

(c) if the notice given under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph states that either the person referred to therein wishes to exercise his right of pre-emption or the Government of the Republic of Cyprus wishes to acquire the property involved, the Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned shall, on payment of the purchase price to be agreed or determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Section, transfer such property to the person aforesaid or to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, as the case may be;

(d) if, within three months from the date of the notice given to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, such Government does not notify the Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned that either a person wishes to exercise his right of pre-emption or the Government of the Republic of Cyprus wishes to acquire the property involved, the Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned may dispose of such property by public auction or private treaty to any person or body capable by the law of the Republic of Cyprus of owning such property:

Provided that no immovable property shall be disposed of to an alien without the consent of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.

2. The Government of the Republic of Cyprus shall give the United Kingdom authorities and authorised service organisations every assistance in effecting a sale for full value of immovable property to which this Section relates and which that Government does not wish to purchase.

3. If in the case referred to in sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph 1 of this Section the person referred to therein or the Government of the Republic of

Cyprus, as the case may be, does not agree to the price proposed by the Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned, the price payable shall be the amount which the property might be expected to realise if offered for sale by a willing vendor to a willing purchaser and shall, failing agreement, be determined by arbitration in accordance with Section 11 of this Part of this Annex.


Buildings and other erections and structures erected in or constructed on immovable property occupied or used by the Government of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom authorities or authorised service organisations, and fixtures affixed to such immovable property or to such buildings, erections and structures, may be altered. demolished or removed at any time before such immovable property is disposed of or vacated in accordance with this Part of this Annex:

~2 Provided that nothing in this Section shall apply to any building or other erection or structure or to any fixture which has not been erected or constructed by the Government of the United Kingdom or a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation.


1. Where immovable property owned by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and occupied or used by the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority, or an authorised service organisation is vacated as being no longer required for the purposes of this Treaty, the following provisions shall apply, that is to say—

(a) the immovable property shall be left in a condition which does not constitute a danger to public health or safety, and movable objects encumbering the ground shall be removed before the immovable property is vacated;

(b) buildings and other erections and structures erected in, or constructed on, such immovable property and fixtures affixed to such immovable property or to such buildings, erections and structures by the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation shall revert to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus unless removed before the immovable property in question is vacated;

(c) the Government of the Republic of Cyprus shall pay to the Government of the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom authority or the authorised service organisation concerned the value of anything which reverts to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus under sub paragraph (b) of this paragraph and which, within ten years after the vacation of the immovable property in question, is used by the latter Government or is sold or otherwise disposed of for value by that Government;

(cl) the Government of the United Kingdom shall pay to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus a sum representing any diminution in value of such immovable property which results from the presence on or in it of anything which reverts to the latter Government under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph or which results from damage occasioned to that immovable property by the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation while so occupied or used, excluding fair wear and tear, except in so far as such damage has been made good by the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation.

2. -2 a) The value referred to in sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph 1 of this Section shall be—

(i) in relation to anything which is used, sold or otherwise disposed of for value by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus without severance, the increase in the amount which the immovable property concerned might be expected to realise if offered for sale by a willing vendor to a willing purchaser which results from its presence on or in that immovable property:

(ii) in relation to anything which is used, sold or otherwise disposed of for value by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus after severance, its market value taking into account the cost of severance and of any reinstatement consequent on severance;

and shall be assessed as at the date of such sale or disposal or of the commencement of such use.

(b) The value referred to in sub-paragraph (d) of paragraph 1 of this Section shall be the amount which the immovable property concerned, in the condition in which it was when first occupied or used by the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation, might be expected to realise if offered for sale on the date of vacation by a willing vendor to a willing purchaser.

3. Any sum payable under the provisions of this Section shall be determined, failing agreement, by arbitration in accordance with Section 11 of this Part of this Annex.

4. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the immovable property referred to in Section 5 of this Part of this Annex.


1. Where, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Section 3 of this Part of this Annex, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus arranges for the Government of the United Kingdom to occupy or use, in accordance with those provisions, any immovable property which was, immediately before the entry into force of this Treaty, in private ownership, either by an agreement between the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and the owner or occupier of such immovable property or by the exercise of compulsory powers, the following provisions shall apply, that is to say—

(a) in respect of the period during which the immovable property concerned is occupied or used by the Government of the United Kingdom under that arrangement, the Government of the United Kingdom shall, unless such immovable property forms part of the Sites and premises and installations listed in Schedules A and C to Part II of this Annex, pay to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, by way of reimbursement of any expenditure involved in that arrangement, the sum payable under the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Section;

(b) when the immovable property concerned is no longer required for the purposes of this Treaty, it shall be left in a condition which does not constitute a danger to public health or safety and movable objects encumbering the ground shall be removed before that immovable property is vacated;

(c) on the vacation of the immovable property concerned when no longer required for the purposes of this Treaty, being immovable property which then reverts to private ownership, the Government of the United Kingdom shall pay to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, by way of reimbursement of any further expenditure involved in that arrangement, any sum payable under the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Section.

2. The sum referred to in sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph 1 of this Section shall be—

(a) where the immovable property concerned is a right exercisable over any other immovable property, the periodic sum which might reasonably be expected to be payable by a person granted such right under an agreement freely entered into by the parties thereto, regard being had to any consequential diminution in the annual value of the immovable property over which that right is exercisable;

(b)in any other case, a periodic sum equal to the rent which might reasonably be expected to be payable by a tenant in occupation of such immovable property under a lease whereby such tenant undertook to bear the cost of the repairs and insurance and other expenses, if any, necessary to maintain the immovable property concerned in a state to command that rent:

Provided that in the assessment of that sum no account shall be taken of the special suitability of the immovable property concerned for the purposes of the Government of the United Kingdom.

3. The sum referred to in sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph 1 of this Section shall be a sum representing any diminution in the amount which the immovable property concerned might be expected to realise if offered for sale on the date of vacation by a willing vendor to a willing purchaser, being a diminution resulting from—

(a) the presence on or in it of any buildings or other erections or structures erected in, or constructed on, such immovable property, or of any fixtures affixed to such immovable property or to such buildings, erections and structures, by the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation; or

(b) any damage occasioned to such immovable property by the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation, excluding fair wear and tear, except in so far as such damage has been made good by the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority or an authorised service organisation:

Provided that nothing shall be payable under this paragraph in respect of anything done on the immovable property concerned under an agreement made by the Government of the United Kingdom, a United Kingdom authority, or an authorised service organisation with the owner or occupier of such immovable property or for which compensation has already been paid to or agreed with the owner or occupier.

4. -2 a) For the purpose of assessing the sums referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Section, the immovable property concerned shall be taken to be in the condition in which it was when first occupied or used by the Government of the United Kingdom, at United Kingdom authority, or an authorised service organisation.

(b) Where two or more adjacent immovable properties to which this Section applies belong to the same owner and are simultaneously vacated, as being no longer required for the purposes of this Treaty, any sum payable under the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Section shall be assessed in respect of all such immovable properties taken together.

(c) The sum referred to in paragraph 2 of this Section shall be reviewed at five-yearly intervals, until the immovable property concerned is no longer occupied or used by the Government of the United Kingdom under the arrangement referred to in paragraph 1 of this Section.

5. Any sum payable under the provisions of this Section shall be determined, failing agreement, by arbitration in accordance with Section 11 of this Part of this Annex.


Any value which under this Part of this Annex is to be determined by arbitration shall be determined by two arbitrators, one to be appointed by the Government of the United Kingdom and one by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus or by the private person or community concerned, as may be appropriate; and where the arbitrators fail to agree, by an umpire to be appointed by the arbitrators, or if they fail to agree on such appointment, by the President of the High Court of Justice of the Republic of Cyprus.


Nothing in this Part of this Annex shall prevent the conclusion of any special agreement or arrangement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus with respect to any of the matters covered by this Part of this Annex.



(NOTE.—The Map referred to in this part of this Annex is not printed. The areas concerned are, however, approximately indicated on Map No. 3 contained in Appendix V to this Paper.)


In addition to the other rights conferred by this Treaty, and, in particular, the right of over-flying under paragraph 2 of Section 4 of Part II of this Annex, the United Kingdom authorities shall have the right from time to time to engage in training within the territory of the Republic of Cyprus and the airspace over it. The areas to be used, the periods during which training shall take place, and other special arrangements in connexion with training are set out in the following Sections of this Part of this Annex.


1. The United Kingdom shall have the right for its armed services, after giving not less than ten days previous notice, to use for the purposes specified in this Section the localities marked A, B, C, D, E and F on the Map annexed to this Part of this Annex and referred to respectively in this Part of this Annex as—

    (a) The Goshi Range Area

    (b) The Akamas Range Area

    (c) The Lefkoniko Range Area

    (d) The Polis Training Area

    (e) The Ayios Vasilios Training Area

    (f ) The Prastio Training Area.

The extent of these localities having already been agreed and defined, the necessary maps have been deposited in the appropriate District Offices and with the appropriate United Kingdom authorities in the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area.

2. -2 a) The Goshi Range Area may be used as a field firing range.

(b) (i) The Akamas Range Area may be used as a field firing range and for all kinds of engineer training, including the carrying out of demolitions.

(ii) The western part of the land area of the Akamas Range Area and the sea area of that Range Area may be used as a naval bombardment range.

(c) (i) The Lefkoniko Range Area may be used as an artillery range by all types of field artillery.

(ii) Projectiles may only be fired into the inner area of the range area marked C.1 on the Map annexed, but artillery may move and be positioned anywhere in the range area and guns may be fired from anywhere in the inner area* or from the parts of the outer area shaded blue on the Map annexed,

* Note: printed red in Map No. 3 at Appcndix V to this Paper.

the passage of projectiles over occupied buildings being avoided as far as possible.

(d) The Polis Training Area may be used for training in amphibious warfare of all kinds including the landing and embarking of personnel, vehicles, artillery and other weapons, stores and equipment on to and from the beaches in the area and the carrying out of exercises and training in conjunction with such landing and embarking.

(e) The Ayios Vasilios Training Area may be used for practicing the descent of personnel by parachute and the dropping of vehicles, artillery and other weapons, stores or equipment from aircraft. The United Kingdom authorities shall cease to use the Ayios Vasilios Training Area as soon as an alternative area can be found which is fully suitable in the opinion of the United Kingdom authorities. The Republic of Cyprus will co-operate in finding this area and in making it available to the United Kingdom authorities. When the United Kingdom authorities have accepted an alternative area in place of the Ayios Vasilios Training Area, the United Kingdom authorities may use that Training Area in the same manner as the Ayios Vasilios Training Area and this Treaty shall apply to that area and the airspace over it as it applies to the Ayios Vasilios Training Area and the airspace over it.

(f) The Prastio Training Area may be used for the same purposes as the Ayios Vasilios Training Area and may in addition be used for the carrying out of exercises and training in conjunction with the descent of personnel by parachute.

3.—(a) While any range area or training area is being used the personnel and vehicles of the armed services of the United Kingdom shall have freedom of movement within the area but shall not have the right to enter buildings, farmyards and orchards in the area without the consent of the owner or occupier.

(b) Any range area or training area may be used in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Section in conjunction with training exercises conducted pursuant to paragraph 1 of Section 3 of this Part of this Annex.

4. Training areas may be used from time to time. The aggregate period of use under this Section of a range area in any calendar year may not exceed—

    (i) in the case of the Goshi Range Area, 130 days;

(ii) in the case of the Akamas Range Area, for field bring and engineer training, 70 days;

(iii) in the case of the Akamas Range Area, for naval bombardment, 10 days; and

(iv) in the case of the Lefkoniko Range Area, 45 days.

5. -2 a) Before the beginning of a period of use of a range area of which notice has been given under paragraph l of this Section, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall arrange the clearance from the range area of persons (other than persons authorised to be there by the armed services of the United Kingdom) and livestock, and shall prohibit the entry and presence of persons (other than persons so authorised) and livestock to and on the range area during the period of use.

(b) During a period of use of a range area of which notice has been given under paragraph 1 of this Section the armed services of the United Kingdom shall have the right to exclude and remove therefrom any persons and livestock.

(c) Sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph shall not apply to the outer part of Lefkoniko Range Area.

(d) The armed services of the United Kingdom shall have the right where necessary and if possible in co-operation with the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus to exclude and remove any persons and livestock from a training area or part of a training area while training or exercises are being carried out on it.

(e) The armed services of the United Kingdom while using range areas and training areas shall take all steps necessary to ensure the safety of persons and livestock in them.

6.—(a) The small-arms range at Polemidhia and the Larnaca ground attack range (Sites Nos. 1 and 8 in Schedule B to Part II of this Annex) may be used notwithstanding that projectiles may fall into the areas marked G and X on the Map annexed and referred to respectively in this Part of this Annex as the Polemidhia and Larnaca Range Areas.

(b) The Sites constituting the Polemidhia and Larnaca Ranges may be used at any time but not less than 48 hours' notice of a use which may involve danger to persons or property in the range areas shall be given.

(c) Sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (e) of paragraph 5 of this Section shall apply to the Polemidhia and Larnaca range areas during a period of use of the range in question of which notice has been given in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph, except that livestock are not required to be excluded from the Polemidhia range area.

(d) The United Kingdom shall have the right to install targets and marker buoys in the sea area of the Larnaca Range Area.

7. The United Kingdom authorities shall give sympathetic consideration to any suggestions which the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus may wish to make for an alternative locality for any range area or training area, and shall transfer the training undertaken to the alternative locality, provided that in the opinion of the United Kingdom authorities it is suitable.


1. The Republic of Cyprus shall make available to the United Kingdom for its armed services the use from time to time of localities in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, which shall be specified, for tactical training, including mobile training, in the form of exercises in which more than 500 men take part, in accordance with the following provisions:—

(a) The localities within which this training shall take specified by agreement between the United IC_ authorities _ the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus. and shall be sufficient in number and extent to meet the reasonable needs of the United Kingdom in this respect as from time to time notified by the United Kingdom authorities to the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus.

(b) Such exercises may take place on up to 40 days in any calendar year; but the period during which they take place shall be the subject of agreement between the United Kingdom authorities and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus.

2.—(a) In addition to the localities to be specified under paragraph 1 of this Section, the Republic of Cyprus shall make available to the United Kingdom for its armed services the use of three localities in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus for minor routine training. In each locality, up to a maximum of 500 men may be engaged in training under this paragraph at any one time.

(b) The three localities within which this training shall take place shall be sufficient in extent to meet the reasonable needs of the United Kingdom in this respect and shall from time to time be specified by agreement between the United Kingdom authorities and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus.

(c) Different localities may be specified for different periods of the year provided that not less than three localities are available for such training at any time.

(d) Pending agreement under sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph to specify other localities, the three localities within which this training shall take place shall be:—

    (i) The Evdhimou-Pissouri locality;

    (ii) The Goshi-Troulli locality;

    (iii) The Sotira locality.

The extent of these localities having already been agreed and defined, the necessary maps have been deposited in the District Offices of Limassol and Larnaca and with the appropriate United Kingdom authorities in the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area.

3. While carrying out training in any locality specified or to be specified in accordance with paragraph 1 or 2 of this Section. the personnel and vehicles of the armed services of the United Kingdom shall have freedom of movement within the locality but shall not have the right to enter buildings, farmyards or orchards within the locality without the consent of the owner or occupier, or to use tanks or live ammunition.

4. The armed services of the United Kingdom while carrying out training under this Section shall take all reasonable steps to avoid injury and inconvenience to persons and damage to property and shall take precautions against outbreak of fire. So far as possible, villages and land under cultivation shall be avoided.

5. United Kingdom military aircraft operating in conjunction with ground troops on exercises shall not operate in such a way as to affect other aircraft using recognised air traffic lanes.


The United Kingdom authorities shall consult from time to-time with the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus for the purpose of arranging that—

(a) the use of range areas and training areas takes place so far as possible at season in which damage to agriculture is least likely to be caused;

(b) the earliest possible information is made available to occupiers of land in range areas and training areas, and to others who may be affected, of the times of the year during which it is intended to make use of the areas;

(c) consideration is given to any need of the armed services of the Republic of Cyprus and of the Greek and Turkish contingents as taking part in the tripartite Headquarters established on the territory of the Republic of Cyprus in accordance with the Treaty of Alliance, to use range areas and training areas and to carry out training;

(d) inconvenience caused by training under this Part of this Annex to persons engaged in air and sea navigation, including fishing, is avoided so far as is practicable.


1. Members of the armed services of the United Kingdom and civilians employed by the United Kingdom authorities may visit any range area, training area or locality in which training under Section 3 of this Part of this Annex has been or may be carried out, at any time for the purpose of planning its use, inspecting it before or after use, dumping stores and equipment in preparation for its use, reinstating it after use, removing from it property of the armed services and guarding such property prior to removal, or, after consultation with the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, removing, demolishing or otherwise dealing with objects on it which may constitute a danger or which may obstruct the training of the armed services.

2. Visits and activities under paragraph 1 of this Section shall, save in exceptional circumstances, take place by arrangement with the owners or occupiers of the land concerned.

3. Those visits shall not take place more frequently than is reasonably necessary. Visits in connexion with an exercise under paragraph 1 of Section 3 of this part of this Annex shall take place within a reasonable time before or after the exercise in question, and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall be informed in advance of any such visit of more than 15 persons made before the exercise in question.


1. -2 a) Notices required by the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Annex shall be given to an authority nominated for the purpose by the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus.

(b) Each notice shall state the intended period of use of the area or locality in question, and indicate the approximate numbers of, times of, movement of, and routes to be used by, men and vehicles who will move from the Akrotiri Sovereign Base Area or the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area to the area or locality in question in order to use it during that period.

2. Not less than ten days' notice of the use of the Akamas Range Area as a naval bombardment range and not less than forty-eight hours' notice of the use of the Larnaca Range Area as an aircraft ground attack range shall be given to the authorities responsible for the control of sea and air navigation in and over the territory of the Republic of Cyprus.

3. If the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus have been informed that, in the course of an exercise pursuant to paragraph 1 of Section 3 of this Part of this Annex, United Kingdom military aircraft are to operate in conjunction with ground troops, and the aircraft may operate in a manner which might, but for the provisions of this paragraph, constitute a danger to air navigation, not less than seven days' notice to that effect, specifying when and where the aircraft are to operate, shall be given to the authority responsible for the control of air navigation over the territory of the Republic of Cyprus.


1. In so far as the following sea areas lie within the waters of the Republic of Cyprus, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall prohibit vessels from entering or remaining in those areas, except under arrangements made by the United Kingdom authorities, during a period of use from time to time of those areas specified in a notice given under the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Annex:—

(a) the sea area of the Akamas Range Area when the use in question is as a naval bombardment range;
(b) the sea area of the Larnaca Range Area.

2. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 4 of this Section, in the interests of the security of air navigation, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall take steps to limit or prohibit aircraft, other than United Kingdom military aircraft, from flying in the airspaces and during the periods specified from time to time by the United Kingdom authorities over such parts of the training areas, ranges, range areas and localities used in accordance with this Part of this Annex as are within the territory of the Republic. This prohibition shall extend to—

(a) the airspace up to a height of 75,000 feet above sea level over the area marked Y.1 on the Map annexed, at all times;

(b) the airspaces up to a height of 10,000 feet above sea level over the areas marked Y.2 and Y.3 on the Map annexed, at all times;

(c) the airspace up to a height of 75,000 feet above sea level over the area marked Y.4 on the Map annexed, at such times as may be required by the United Kingdom authorities, who shall give 48 hours' notice of such requirement;

(d) the airspace between a height of 4,000 feet and a height of 60,000 feet above sea level over the area marked Z on the Map annexed, at all times.

3. The armed services of the United Kingdom may take all reasonable steps to secure that vessels do not enter or remain in the sea areas covered by this Section during the periods mentioned and that aircraft do not enter or remain in the airspaces covered by this Section during the periods mentioned and will have due regard to the safety of such vessels and aircraft.

4. Nothing in this Part of this Annex shall affect any existing internationally recognised air traffic lane or customary international maritime route. The United Kingdom shall give sympathetic consideration to proposals by the Republic of Cyprus that alterations should be made in range areas and training areas to enable new internationally recognised air traffic lanes to be established or existing lanes to be modified.


1. Claims for compensation for death, injury, or damage to property occasioned in the course of the exercise of any of the rights provided for in this Part of this Annex shall, subject to the following paragraphs of this Section, be dealt with in accordance with Section 9 of Annex C to this Treaty.

2. A claim for cage to land or to anything growing on land, or to structures or fixtures on land shall not be inadmissible because the armed services of the United Kingdom have a right to enter or make use of that land.

3. No claim shall be admissible in respect of the death of or injury to a person or livestock suffered in an area in which his or their presence is prohibited under this Part of this Annex.

4. No claim shall be admissible in respect of loss of or damage to a vessel or aircraft, or to anything on a vessel or aircraft, or in respect of the death of or personal injury to a person on a vessel or aircraft, suffered while that vessel or aircraft is in a sea area or airspace prohibited to it under this Part of this Annex.

For the purposes of this Section damage to property shall include—

    (a) loss of wages and expenses reasonably incurred by a person in . connexion with the clearance from a range area or training area of persons or of livestock if required by or under this Part of this Annex, or in connexion with their return to the range area or training area; and

(b) expenses and loss of profit unavoidably incurred by a person in occupation of land in a range area or training area by reason of his being unable to make use of that land during a period in which entry to it is prohibited or persons and livestock are excluded from it by or under this Part of this Annex.



(NOTE.—The Map referred to in this Part is not printed as an Annex to this Part, but a corresponding Map is contained in Appendix V to this Paper as Map No. 4.)


For the purposes of this Part of this Annex:—

(a) " The new terminal area " means the land coloured blue on the map annexed to this Part of this Annex;

(b) " The present terminal area " means the land coloured red and hatched in blue on the map annexed;

(c) " Joint user area " means land coloured yellow on the map annexed;

(d.) " Site " means the land coloured red or brown on the map annexed, including that part hatched in blue and that part hatched in yellow, and is an area forming part of Site No. 10/1 in the list in Schedule A to Part II of this Annex.


1. Until a new civil air terminal is constructed and brought into use within the new terminal area—

(a) the present terminal area shall be under the control of the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus and shall not be regarded as part of the Site;

(b) the road which is marked brown on the map annexed shall be regarded as forming part of the joint user area;

(c) the new terminal area shall be regarded as forming part of the joint user area.

2. The present taxiway (coloured red and hatched in yellow on the map annexed) in front of the present terminal area shall be regarded as part of the joint user area until a new taxiway replacing it is constructed and brought into use.

3. The United Kingdom authorities shall give sympathetic consideration to requests by the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus that any part of the Site, which is required for an extension of the runways or other facilities in the joint user area, shall be surrendered in exchange for other land which is considered as equally suitable for the purposes for which the Site is used.


The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right to use the airfield at Nicosia together with any facilities on or connected with the airfield to whatever extent is considered necessary from time to time by the United Kingdom authorities for the operation of United Kingdom military aircraft in peace and in war, including the exercise of any necessary operational control of air traffic. The Republic of Cyprus shall have the sole right to determine the general policy for the use of Nicosia Airfield by civil aviation. The general conduct of the control of air traffic wing Nicosia Airfield shall be a matter for joint consultation between the authorities of the United Kingdom and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus.


The joint user area shall be available for the use of the United Kingdom authorities and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus.


The United Kingdom authorities shall be responsible for maintaining to existing standards the existing installations providing facilities for the joint user area with the exception of approach and aerodrome control facilities to be provided in accordance with paragraph 1 of Section 7 of this Part of this Annex. Subject to the provisions of Section 3 of this Part, the United Kingdom authorities and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall each have the right, after consultation with the other, to execute new works for the joint user area.


The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right to provide services for United Kingdom military aircraft at Nicosia Airfield to the extent that they consider necessary.


1. -2 a) There shall be single and undivided approach and aerodrome  control of air traffic at Nicosia Airfield, which shall be taken over by the  Republic of Cyprus as soon as the necessary qualified staff are available; until then control shall be exercised by the United Kingdom. During the time that control is exercised by the United Kingdom, the Republic of Cyprus shall have the right to provide trained staff to assist in the control of traffic. When responsibility for control is transferred to the Republic of Cyprus, the United Kingdom shall similarly have the right to provide trained staff to assist in the control of traffic.

(b) Notwithstanding the above, the United Kingdom shall, in accordance with Section 3 of this Part of this Annex, have the right to exercise exclusive control in emergency as may be determined by the United Kingdom.

2. The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall provide air traffic control within the flight information region administered from Nicosia including the provision of associated navigational aids and including advisory and alerting services, to the standard customary in international civil aviation practice.

3. At the request of the United Kingdom authorities the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall make immediately available to the United Kingdom authorities any information received by the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus about the movement of all aircraft within the flight information region administered from Nicosia.

4. The specific rights and responsibilities mentioned in this Section shall not be exercised in such a manner as to impair the rights and obligations of the United Kingdom or the Republic of Cyprus contained in other Sections of this Part of this Annex.


The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall ensure that the runways, taxiways and dispersal areas of the airfield at Tymbou are kept in being. The United Kingdom authorities shall have the right, subject to the consent of the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, to use these runways, taxiways and dispersal areas as a reserve landing ground for Nicosia Airfield and to provide any services for any aircraft landing or taking off there.


1. The United Kingdom authorities shall make immediately available to, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus the meteorological information which the United Kingdom authorities have received at Nicosia Airfield for their own needs.

2. In so far as the services established for their own use make this possible, the United Kingdom authorities shall make available search and rescue facilities for all civil aircraft within the flight information region administered from Nicosia and fire and crash services for all aircraft using Nicosia Airfield.


1. At the request of the United Kingdom authorities, the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus shall arrange for such reasonable control over activities in the vicinity of Nicosia Airfield and over the erection of installations, and the operation of radio and electrical equipment, as may be considered necessary by the United Kingdom authorities to ensure the efficient operation and use of Nicosia Airfield.

2. At the request of the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, the United Kingdom authorities shall within the Site arrange for such reasonable control over activities, including the erection of installations, and operation of radio and electrical equipment, as may be considered necessary by the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus to ensure the efficient operation and use of Nicosia Airfield.


The appropriate authorities of the United Kingdom and of the Republic of Cyprus shall consult together concerning the operation of this Part of this Annex with a view to ensuring that as far as possible the services to civil aircraft provided by the authorities of both Governments satisfy the requirements of international civil aviation, and in particular that civil aircraft on scheduled flights shall receive priority save in exceptional circumstances or in an emergency.


1. -2 a) The cost of services (including the cost of constructing, maintaining, improving, altering and operating installations) provided for aircraft using Nicosia Airfield shall be borne in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph.

(b) The United Kingdom shall bear the cost of services provided by them under Section 5 and Section 9 of this Part of this Annex.

(c) The cost of services provided under Section 7 of this Part of this Annex which are required for both civil and military aircraft shall be shared between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Cyprus in proportion to the degree of use.

(d) The cost of services required only for civil aircraft shall be borne by the Republic of Cyprus and the cost of services required only for United Kingdom military aircraft which are not registered as civil aircraft shall be borne by the United Kingdom.

(e) The United Kingdom authorities shall, for so long as they require the facility to use Tymbou airfield as provided in Section 8 of this Part of this Annex, make a contribution covering the costs of any rental payments or payments for any maintenance undertaken at United Kingdom request made by the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus for land forming part of the runways, taxiways and dispersal areas at Tymbou which is at the date of entry into force of this Treaty in private ownership. The amount of this contribution by the United Kingdom authorities shall be negotiated between the United Kingdom authorities and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus. The amount of such a contribution, if not agreed, shall be determined as if it were a sum payable under the provisions of paragraph 2 of Section 10 of Part III of this Annex.

(f) The bearing of the cost of constructing, improving or making major alterations to installations provided for the mutual benefit of the authorities of the United Kingdom and the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus and of exercising the control provided for in Section 10 of this Part of this Annex (including payment of any compensation due for any diminution in value of immovable property resulting from the exercise of such control) shall be the subject of special agreement.

(g) Subject to sub-paragraphs (c) and (f) above, no contribution shall b~ made by the Republic of Cyprus to the cost of services provided by the United Kingdom, notwithstanding that those services are available for the use of civil aircraft.

2.—(a) The Republic of Cyprus shall have the right to retain all landing fees and other similar fees charged for the use of the airfield by civil aircraft (including United Kingdom military aircraft registered as civil aircraft).

(b) No landing fees or other similar fees shall be chargeable in respect of United Kingdom military aircraft which are not registered as civil aircraft.

(c) No charge on account of rent shall be payable by either Government to the other in respect of land or other immovable property in the joint user area or provided for the joint use of the authorities of the United Kingdom and of the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus.




Subject to the provisions of this Treaty, the United Kingdom shall ma payments in respect of the items indicated below: ­

    (a) Fees and charges which may in accordance with any legislation for the time being in force in the Republic of Cyprus be levied or taken in the Department of Lands and Surveys of the Republic of Cyprus in matters relating to immovable property, and stamp duties payable under the provisions of any such legislation in respect of transfers immovable property;

    (b) A contribution to the Republic of Cyprus, in respect of immovable property occupied by the United Kingdom authorities within the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, which shall be calculated on basis to be agreed between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Cyprus taking into account the extent to which facilities or services rendered by local authorities and normally included in general tating assessments are enjoyed by the United Kingdom authorities and the services and facilities provided or undertaken by the United Kingdom authorities on their own behalf,

    (c) Port dues, fees and charges which may be levied or taken in accordance with any legislation for the time being in force in the Republic of Cyprus;

    (d) Subject to such special agreements as may be concluded with regard to public utilities, payments for services provided by public utilities in the Republic of Cyprus to the United Kingdom authorities in connexion with the supply of water, electricity, gas and telecommunications services;

    (e) Actual expenditure by the Republic of Cyprus necessarily incurred in connexion with, and in so far as it relates to ­

    (i) the control over activities for which provision is made in paragraph 1 of Section 3 of Part II of this Annex, and

    (ii) the installing of suppressors pursuant to paragraph 2 of Section 3 of Part II of this Annex;

    (f) Reimbursement of any compensation due to any person for any diminution in the market value of any tangible property, or for any loss or damage in consequence of the restriction in the use of, or the prohibition of accessibility to, any immovable property, resulting from the exercise of the control referred to in sub­paragraph (e) (i) of this Section;

    (g) Fees and charges which may in accordance with any legislation for the time being in force in the Republic of Cyprus be levied or taken in respect of the grant of any permit, licence or certificate relating to the construction of any building or structure or in respect of the grant of any permission to develop immovable property;
    (h) Fees, rents and other annual charges which may in accordance with. any legislation for the time being in force in the Republic of Cyprus be levied or taken in respect of the grant of any permit, lease or licence for quarrying or for the extraction and removal of stones, shingle, sand, gravel or other substance from any part of the foreshore;

    (i) Overtime fees payable in accordance with any legislation for the time being in force in the Republic of Cyprus to officers of the Republic of Cyprus in respect of services rendered to the United Kingdom authorities at ports or airports of the Republic of Cyprus;

    (j) Sums payable in accordance with any legislation for the time being in force in the Republic of Cyprus to any municipality or other local authority as a contribution to the cost of the construction of any public street on which immovable property owned by a United Kingdom authority abuts;

    (k) Any recoupment or betterment charge recoverable in accordance with any legislation for the time being in force in the Republic of Cyprus in respect of the development of immovable property surrendered, under the provisions of paragraph 2 of Section 6 of Part III of this Annex, and returned by agreement to the Government of the United Kingdom, or a United Kingdom authority.


Nothing in this Part of this Annex shall prevent the conclusion of any special agreement or arrangement by the Republic of Cyprus and the United Kingdom in respect of any of the matters covered by this Part of this Annex.

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