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DRAFT TREATY CONCERNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THEREPUBLIC OF CYPRUSThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Kingdom of Greece and the Republic of Turkey of the one part and the Republic of Cyprus of the other part; Desiring to make provisions to give effect to the Declaration made by the Government of the United Kingdom on the 17th of February, 1959, during the Conference at London, in accordance with the subsequent Declarations made at the Conference by the Foreign Ministers of Greece and Turkey, by the Representative of the Greek Cypriot Community and by the Representative of the Turkish Cypriot Community; Taking note of the terms of the Treaty of Guarantee signed to-day by the Parties to this Treaty; Have agreed as follows: ARTICLE 1The territory of the Republic of Cyprus shall comprise the Island of Cyprus, together
with the islands Iying off its coast, with the exception of the two areas defined in Annex
A to this Treaty, which areas shall remain under the sovereignty of the United Kingdom.
These areas are in this Treaty and its Annexes referred to as the Akrotiri Sovereign Base
Area and the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area. ARTICLE 2(1) The Republic of Cyprus shall accord to the United Kingdom the rights set forth in Annex B to this Treaty. (2) The Republic of Cyprus shall co-operate fully with the United Kingdom to ensure the
security and effective operation of the military bases situated in the Akrotiri Sovereign
Base Area and the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area, and the full enjoyment by the United
Kingdom of the rights conferred by this Treaty. ARTICLE 3The Republic of Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom undertake to consult and
co-operate in the common defence of Cyprus. ARTICLE 4The arrangements concerning the status of forces in the Island of Cyprus shall be those
contained in Annex C to this Treaty. ARTICLE 5The Republic of Cyprus shall secure to everyone within its jurisdiction human rights
and fundamental freedoms comparable to those set out in Section I of the European
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms signed at Rome on
the 4th of November, 1950, and the Protocol to that Convention signed at Paris on the 20th
of March, 1952. ARTICLE 6The arrangements concerning the nationality of persons affected by the establishment of
the Republic of Cyprus shall be those contained in Annex D to this Treaty. ARTICLE 7The Republic of Cyprus and the United Kingdom accept and undertake to carry out the
necessary financial and administrative arrangements to settle questions arising out of the
termination of British administration in the territory of the Republic of Cyprus. These
arrangements are set forth in Annex E to this Treaty. ARTICLE 8(1) All international obligations and responsibilities of the Government of the United Kingdom shall henceforth, in so far as they may be held to have application to the Republic of Cyprus, be assumed by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. (2) The international rights and benefits heretofore enjoyed by the Government of the
United Kingdom in virtue of their application to the territory of the Republic of Cyprus
shall henceforth be enjoyed by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. ARTICLE 9The Parties to this Treaty accept and undertake to carry out the arrangements
concerning trade, commerce and other matters set forth in Annex F to this Treaty. ARTICLE 10Any question or difficulty as to the interpretation of the provisions of this Treaty shall be settled as follows: (a) Any question or difficulty that may arise over the operation of the military requirements of the United Kingdom, or concerning the provisions of this Treaty in so far as they affect the status, rights and obligations of United Kingdom forces or any other forces associated with them under the terms of this Treaty, or of Greek, Turkish and Cypriot forces, shall ordinarily be settled by negotiation between the tripartite Headquarters of the Republic of Cyprus, Greece and Turkey and the authorities of the armed forces of the United Kingdom. (b) Any question or difficulty as to the interpretation of the provisions of this Treaty on which agreement cannot be reached by negotiation between the military authorities in the cases described above, or, in other cases, by negotiation between the Parties concerned through the diplomatic channel, shall be referred for final decision to a tribunal appointed for the purpose, which shall be composed of four representatives, one each to be nominated by the Government of the United Kingdom, the Government of Greece, the Government of Turkey and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, together with an independent chairman nominated by the President of the International Court of Justice. If the President is a citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies or of the Republic of Cyprus or of Greece or of Turkey, the Vice-President shall be requested to act; and, if he also is such a citizen, the next senior Judge of the Court. ARTICLE 11The Annexes to this Treaty shall have force and effect as integral par of this Treaty. ARTICLE 12This Treaty shall enter into force on signature by all the Parties to it. |
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